Here is the alternate Star Knight Class and Star Force Meditation system I've used for my White Star games. It is continually under development and adjustment. It is rather more complex than the system used in White Star, but it is more like what I envision Star Knights being capable of... note that it is NOT designed with "balance" in mind. If you want to "balance" the added abilities gained from this system, you can increase the XP needed for Star Knights to rise in level. I don't really worry much about it myself...
Over time I have referred to a number of sources to develop this system, including Labyrinth Lord, Labyrinth Lord AEC, White Star, White Star Companion, Star Sailors, and Between Star & Void, among other sources.
Star Knight Consular
Primes: Wisdom + Charisma
Hit Die: d8 + Charisma Bonus
Force Die: d8 + Wis Bonus
Star Sword Ability Bonuses: + Charisma Bonus to Hit and Parry
Star Sword Mastery Bonus: 1st+2nd +0; 3rd-6th +1 7th+ +2
Parry: 1 free Parry and Redirect per round, 1 FP per Parry or Redirect thereafter, -1 to Parry and Redirect per attempt after the first Parry that cost Force Points.
Meditations: Channel Star Force, plus Level +1 + Cha Bonus meditations
Special Ability: Misdirection, costs 1 FP. If target fails saving throw, you change his mind (on a minor, immediate subject) or misdirect his attention for up to on minute. If he fails a second saving throw after that minute, he forgets anything about the incident.
Primes: Wisdom + Charisma
Hit Die: d8 + Charisma Bonus
Force Die: d8 + Wis Bonus
Star Sword Ability Bonuses: + Charisma Bonus to Hit and Parry
Star Sword Mastery Bonus: 1st+2nd +0; 3rd-6th +1 7th+ +2
Parry: 1 free Parry and Redirect per round, 1 FP per Parry or Redirect thereafter, -1 to Parry and Redirect per attempt after the first Parry that cost Force Points.
Meditations: Channel Star Force, plus Level +1 + Cha Bonus meditations
Special Ability: Misdirection, costs 1 FP. If target fails saving throw, you change his mind (on a minor, immediate subject) or misdirect his attention for up to on minute. If he fails a second saving throw after that minute, he forgets anything about the incident.
Star Knight Guardian
Primes: Wisdom and Dexterity
Hit Die: d10 + Dexterity Bonus
Force Die: d6 + Wis Bonus
Star Sword Bonuses: + Dexterity Bonus to Hit, Damage, Parry, and Redirect
Star Sword Mastery Bonus: 1st-4th +1; 5th-8th +2; 9th+ +3
Parry: 1 free Parry and Redirect per round per level, 1 FP per Parry and Redirect thereafter, -1 to Parry and Redirect per attempt after the first Parry and Redirect that cost Force Points.
Meditations: Channel Star Force, plus Level +1 meditations
Special Ability: Seize Initiative, costs 1 FP. If opponent fails saving throw, you gain initiative.
Primes: Wisdom and Dexterity
Hit Die: d10 + Dexterity Bonus
Force Die: d6 + Wis Bonus
Star Sword Bonuses: + Dexterity Bonus to Hit, Damage, Parry, and Redirect
Star Sword Mastery Bonus: 1st-4th +1; 5th-8th +2; 9th+ +3
Parry: 1 free Parry and Redirect per round per level, 1 FP per Parry and Redirect thereafter, -1 to Parry and Redirect per attempt after the first Parry and Redirect that cost Force Points.
Meditations: Channel Star Force, plus Level +1 meditations
Special Ability: Seize Initiative, costs 1 FP. If opponent fails saving throw, you gain initiative.
Star Knight Mystic
Primes: Wisdom + Intelligence
Hit Die: d6 + Intelligence Bonus
Force Die: d10 + Wis Bonus + Int Bonus
Star Sword Bonus: + Wisdom Bonus to Parry
Star Sword Mastery Bonus: 1st-4th +0; 5th-8th +1; 9th+ +2
Parry: 1 FP per Parry or Redirect, -1 to Parry or Redirect per Perry or Redirect attempt after the first Parry.
Meditations: Channel Star Force, plus Level +2 + Wis Bonus + Int Bonus meditations
Special Ability: Attuned to the Star Force. If a Void Power Gift is used within 1 mile per level, you automatically sense the use of the Gift. With one minute concentration and expending 1 FP, the Mystic can scan for presence of Void Gift users within same area. Some Void Gifts might hide the presence of Void users.
Primes: Wisdom + Intelligence
Hit Die: d6 + Intelligence Bonus
Force Die: d10 + Wis Bonus + Int Bonus
Star Sword Bonus: + Wisdom Bonus to Parry
Star Sword Mastery Bonus: 1st-4th +0; 5th-8th +1; 9th+ +2
Parry: 1 FP per Parry or Redirect, -1 to Parry or Redirect per Perry or Redirect attempt after the first Parry.
Meditations: Channel Star Force, plus Level +2 + Wis Bonus + Int Bonus meditations
Special Ability: Attuned to the Star Force. If a Void Power Gift is used within 1 mile per level, you automatically sense the use of the Gift. With one minute concentration and expending 1 FP, the Mystic can scan for presence of Void Gift users within same area. Some Void Gifts might hide the presence of Void users.
Star Sword Parry and Redirect
Whenever a Star Knight armed with a Star Sword is attacked and hit, he may attempt to parry the attack. The Star Knight rolls an attack roll against the attack that was rolled to hit him; if his roll is equal to or greater than the roll to hit him, he parries the attack. Melee weapons are destroyed (unless they are of similar caliber to a Star Sword), as are slug-thrower bullets and the like; laser and blaster bolts, however, may be redirected by the Star Knight against any target he can see within the remaining range of the original weapon blast. This is made as a normal attack using the Star Knight’s Star Sword bonuses. If the attack hits, it deals the normal damage due to the weapon type.
Whenever a Star Knight armed with a Star Sword is attacked and hit, he may attempt to parry the attack. The Star Knight rolls an attack roll against the attack that was rolled to hit him; if his roll is equal to or greater than the roll to hit him, he parries the attack. Melee weapons are destroyed (unless they are of similar caliber to a Star Sword), as are slug-thrower bullets and the like; laser and blaster bolts, however, may be redirected by the Star Knight against any target he can see within the remaining range of the original weapon blast. This is made as a normal attack using the Star Knight’s Star Sword bonuses. If the attack hits, it deals the normal damage due to the weapon type.
Power of the Star Force
All Star Knights can call upon the power of the Star Force at need. They can use their Force Points (and Hit Points) to increase a failed roll to hit, to parry, or to save after the roll has been made. This can be done for any roll that is not a Natural 1 fumble or for any attempt that does not require a Natural 20 to hit. This should only be used for important, major, life-and-death, save-the-world kinds of rolls, not for every normal, everyday rolls.
All Star Knights can call upon the power of the Star Force at need. They can use their Force Points (and Hit Points) to increase a failed roll to hit, to parry, or to save after the roll has been made. This can be done for any roll that is not a Natural 1 fumble or for any attempt that does not require a Natural 20 to hit. This should only be used for important, major, life-and-death, save-the-world kinds of rolls, not for every normal, everyday rolls.
After the roll is made but before the effect occurs (or fails to occur), the Referee must tell the Star Knight that he failed; do not tell the Star Knight how much he failed by. Then offer the Star Knight the opportunity to expend Force Points to make the roll a success. If the player says yes, he then spends a number of Force Points needful to make the roll succeed.
If the number needed is more than his current Force Points, he suffers damage to Hit Points as though he had spent them as Force Points (i.e., 2 HP per FP). If he does not have enough Hit Points left, he then suffers Constitution damage at a rate of one point of Constitution per Force Point; this might even kill the Star Knight!
Call Upon the Void
The Star Knight can also or instead call upon the Void for the needed points to make the hit, parry, or saving throw, they can also call upon the Void to cause a target to fail their saving throw against a Meditation. The first time the Star Knight does so, she gains a pool of Void Points equal to the number of points needed to make the roll succeed. The first time the Star Knight gains Void Points, and each time there after, the Star Knight must make a percentile roll against the new Void Point total.
The Star Knight can also or instead call upon the Void for the needed points to make the hit, parry, or saving throw, they can also call upon the Void to cause a target to fail their saving throw against a Meditation. The first time the Star Knight does so, she gains a pool of Void Points equal to the number of points needed to make the roll succeed. The first time the Star Knight gains Void Points, and each time there after, the Star Knight must make a percentile roll against the new Void Point total.
If the roll is equal to or less than the Void Point total, the Star Knight falls from the grace of the Star Force and turns to the Void, becoming an NPC Void Knight from that point on.
There are ways for a Star Knight to decrease her Void Point pool; these are at the discretion of the Referee.
Alter Reflexes
Block Energy
Channel Star Force
Charm Beasts
Charm Person
Comprehend Languages
Defensive Coordination
Detect Evil/Good
Detect Gifted
Detect Invisible
Detect Life
Detect Thoughts
Detect Traps
Dispel Effect
Eschew Food and Water
Expand Senses
Feather Fall
Heal Other
Healing Meditation
Healing Trance
Interstellar Navigation
Locate Object
Mind Shield
Mind Voice
Neutralize Poison
Protection from Firearms
Read Languages
Remote Viewing
Speak with Animals
Speak with Plants
Speed Burst
Star Force Meditation
Star Light
Star Speed
Star Sword Form: Attack Style
Star Sword Form: Defensive Style
Star Sword Form: Offensive Style
Star Sword Form: Protective Style
Star Sword Form: Whirlwind Attack
Suspended Animation
Telekinetic Force
Telekinetic Hand
Telekinetic Shield
Water Breathing
Alter Reflexes
Block Energy
Channel Star Force
Charm Beasts
Charm Person
Comprehend Languages
Defensive Coordination
Detect Evil/Good
Detect Gifted
Detect Invisible
Detect Life
Detect Thoughts
Detect Traps
Dispel Effect
Eschew Food and Water
Expand Senses
Feather Fall
Heal Other
Healing Meditation
Healing Trance
Interstellar Navigation
Locate Object
Mind Shield
Mind Voice
Neutralize Poison
Protection from Firearms
Read Languages
Remote Viewing
Speak with Animals
Speak with Plants
Speed Burst
Star Force Meditation
Star Light
Star Speed
Star Sword Form: Attack Style
Star Sword Form: Defensive Style
Star Sword Form: Offensive Style
Star Sword Form: Protective Style
Star Sword Form: Whirlwind Attack
Suspended Animation
Telekinetic Force
Telekinetic Hand
Telekinetic Shield
Water Breathing
Base Cost Note: Meditations with (Reaction) listed in the base cost can be activated instantly, out of initiative order, in reaction to an enemy action or other event. The activation interrupts the event, and thus the Meditation can affect the results of the event. The use of a reactive Meditation counts as the one Meditation activation per round allowed to a Star Knight.
Duration Note: Meditations with durations marked with a (C) can be continued at the end of their duration through another expenditure of the base cost; this continuation does not count as the activation of a new Meditation for that round.
Bonus Stacking: Bonuses from different Meditations for the same modifier do not stack; only the highest-currently active bonus applies. Thus, alter reflexes and celerity both provide a +2 bonus to Initiative when wielding a Star Sword; the bonuses do not stack, and the Star Knight can benefit from only one bonus to the same modifier at a time.
Alter Reflexes
Prerequisite: Awareness, Celerity, Speed Burst
Base Cost: 3
Range: Self
Duration: 1 minute (C)
The Star Knight doubles their personal movement and may attack twice per round for the duration of this Meditation. He also receives +2 to Initiative rolls.
Prerequisite: Awareness, Celerity, Speed Burst
Base Cost: 3
Range: Self
Duration: 1 minute (C)
The Star Knight doubles their personal movement and may attack twice per round for the duration of this Meditation. He also receives +2 to Initiative rolls.
Base Cost: 1
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
This Meditation makes the Star Knight immune to surprise. Should the party the Star Knight is a part of be surprised, he remains unsurprised, and any adjacent allies may make a saving throw to also remain unsurprised.
Base Cost: 1
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
This Meditation makes the Star Knight immune to surprise. Should the party the Star Knight is a part of be surprised, he remains unsurprised, and any adjacent allies may make a saving throw to also remain unsurprised.
Block Energy
Prerequisites: SS: Defensive Style, SS: Offensive Style, Telekinetic Force, Telekinetic Hand
Base Cost: 4 (Reaction)
Range: Self
Duration: 1 minute (C)
This Meditation works exactly as Parry and Redirect with a Star Sword, with the same costs and modifiers based on sub-class, except the Star Knight no longer needs to be wielding a Star Sword. They can attempt to deflect energy attacks and catch or deflect physical missile attacks with nothing but their bare hands.
Prerequisites: SS: Defensive Style, SS: Offensive Style, Telekinetic Force, Telekinetic Hand
Base Cost: 4 (Reaction)
Range: Self
Duration: 1 minute (C)
This Meditation works exactly as Parry and Redirect with a Star Sword, with the same costs and modifiers based on sub-class, except the Star Knight no longer needs to be wielding a Star Sword. They can attempt to deflect energy attacks and catch or deflect physical missile attacks with nothing but their bare hands.
Prerequisite: Awareness
Base Cost: 2 (Reaction)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 Minutes (C)
The Star Knight gains a +1 bonus to Initiative; this bonus increases to +2 if he wields a Star Sword.
Prerequisite: Awareness
Base Cost: 2 (Reaction)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 Minutes (C)
The Star Knight gains a +1 bonus to Initiative; this bonus increases to +2 if he wields a Star Sword.
Channel Star Force
Base Cost: 1d6 (Reaction)
Range: Self
Duration: 1 round
For the duration of this Meditation, the character can perform tremendous abilities beyond their physical norms. The character could lift a ton or more, see in the dark, hold an object with an unbreakable grip, run at double movement, leap as per the leap Meditation, or ignore poison in the atmosphere or your own blood stream. Basically it allows the use of any Meditation that affects only the Star Knight, even those not known, for the duration. This Meditation requires too much concentration for use in combat, and cannot be used to gain the abilities of any combat-related Meditations.
Base Cost: 1d6 (Reaction)
Range: Self
Duration: 1 round
For the duration of this Meditation, the character can perform tremendous abilities beyond their physical norms. The character could lift a ton or more, see in the dark, hold an object with an unbreakable grip, run at double movement, leap as per the leap Meditation, or ignore poison in the atmosphere or your own blood stream. Basically it allows the use of any Meditation that affects only the Star Knight, even those not known, for the duration. This Meditation requires too much concentration for use in combat, and cannot be used to gain the abilities of any combat-related Meditations.
Charm Beasts
Prerequisites: Charm Person, Speak with Animals
Base Cost: 5
Range: 120 ft
Duration: One hour
This manifestation functions similarly to charm person, but can affect large creatures or massive beasts.
Prerequisites: Charm Person, Speak with Animals
Base Cost: 5
Range: 120 ft
Duration: One hour
This manifestation functions similarly to charm person, but can affect large creatures or massive beasts.
Charm Person
Base Cost: 1
Range: 120 ft
Duration: One hour
This Meditation affects living bipeds of approximately human size, including most aliens. If the Meditation succeeds (saving throw allowed), the unfortunate creature falls under the caster’s influence.
Base Cost: 1
Range: 120 ft
Duration: One hour
This Meditation affects living bipeds of approximately human size, including most aliens. If the Meditation succeeds (saving throw allowed), the unfortunate creature falls under the caster’s influence.
Comprehend Languages
Base Cost: 1 (Reaction)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
This Meditation allows the Star Knight to understand the unfamiliar and unknown spoken languages of sentient beings, including robots. The Meditation does not impart the ability to speak the language, merely to understand the language spoken.
Base Cost: 1 (Reaction)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
This Meditation allows the Star Knight to understand the unfamiliar and unknown spoken languages of sentient beings, including robots. The Meditation does not impart the ability to speak the language, merely to understand the language spoken.
Base Cost: 3 (Reaction)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
The Star Knight can see in low light and even total darkness at a range of up to 60’.
Base Cost: 3 (Reaction)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
The Star Knight can see in low light and even total darkness at a range of up to 60’.
Defensive Coordination
Prerequisite: SS: Attack Style, SS: Defensive Style, SS: Protective Style
Base Cost: 3
Range: 30 feet
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
The Star Knight and all his allies within 30’ receive a +1 bonus to all saving throws and all enemies who attack them suffer a -1 penalty to all “to-hit” rolls for the duration of this Meditation.
Prerequisite: SS: Attack Style, SS: Defensive Style, SS: Protective Style
Base Cost: 3
Range: 30 feet
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
The Star Knight and all his allies within 30’ receive a +1 bonus to all saving throws and all enemies who attack them suffer a -1 penalty to all “to-hit” rolls for the duration of this Meditation.
Detect Evil/Good
Base Cost: 1
Range: 120 ft
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
The Star Knight detects any creatures with evil intentions or evil thoughts, as well as places tainted by the Void within the Meditation’s range. Poison is not inherently evil, and cannot be detected by means of this Meditation. The reverse Meditation, detect good, works the same way except that it detects good intentions and places that are powerful in the Star Force.
Base Cost: 1
Range: 120 ft
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
The Star Knight detects any creatures with evil intentions or evil thoughts, as well as places tainted by the Void within the Meditation’s range. Poison is not inherently evil, and cannot be detected by means of this Meditation. The reverse Meditation, detect good, works the same way except that it detects good intentions and places that are powerful in the Star Force.
Detect Gifted
Base Cost: 1
Range: 120 ft
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
This Meditation allows a Star Knight to detect the presence of any living creature within 120 feet that possess the ability to use the Star Force or Void Power. It does not determine the specific number or location of those detected, only that they are present.
Base Cost: 1
Range: 120 ft
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
This Meditation allows a Star Knight to detect the presence of any living creature within 120 feet that possess the ability to use the Star Force or Void Power. It does not determine the specific number or location of those detected, only that they are present.
Detect Invisible
Base Cost: 2 (Reaction)
Range: Line of Sight
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
The Star Knight can perceive invisible creatures and objects. This includes objects or individuals concealed by obstruction, concealment or a personal cloaking device.
Base Cost: 2 (Reaction)
Range: Line of Sight
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
The Star Knight can perceive invisible creatures and objects. This includes objects or individuals concealed by obstruction, concealment or a personal cloaking device.
Detect Life
Base Cost: 1
Range: 120 ft
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
This Meditation allows a Star Knight to detect the presence of any living creature within 120 feet and whether or not they are sentient creatures. It does not determine the specific number or location of those detected, only that they are present.
Base Cost: 1
Range: 120 ft
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
This Meditation allows a Star Knight to detect the presence of any living creature within 120 feet and whether or not they are sentient creatures. It does not determine the specific number or location of those detected, only that they are present.
Detect Thoughts
Base Cost: 1
Range: 60 ft
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
The Star Knight can read the surface thoughts and emotional state of other living beings within range. The Star Knight must spend one full round concentrating on a target; if the target fails a saving throw, the Star Knight can read his thoughts as he wishes thereafter during this use of this Meditation. The Star Knight may make as many attempts as he wishes to break through to read the thoughts of a target, however, each time the target makes his saving throw he gets a +1 bonus to the next saving throw, and if he ever makes his saving throw by 10 or more, he knows that someone is trying to read his mind.
Base Cost: 1
Range: 60 ft
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
The Star Knight can read the surface thoughts and emotional state of other living beings within range. The Star Knight must spend one full round concentrating on a target; if the target fails a saving throw, the Star Knight can read his thoughts as he wishes thereafter during this use of this Meditation. The Star Knight may make as many attempts as he wishes to break through to read the thoughts of a target, however, each time the target makes his saving throw he gets a +1 bonus to the next saving throw, and if he ever makes his saving throw by 10 or more, he knows that someone is trying to read his mind.
Detect Traps
Base Cost: 2
Range: 30 ft around character
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
The Star Knight can perceive both mechanical and technological traps at a distance of 30 ft.
Base Cost: 2
Range: 30 ft around character
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
The Star Knight can perceive both mechanical and technological traps at a distance of 30 ft.
Dispel Effect
Prerequisite: Detect Evil/Good, Detect Gifted
Base Cost: 4
Range: 120 ft
Duration: Instant
This Meditation can be used to immediately end any single Gift or Meditation that is currently active in range.
Prerequisite: Detect Evil/Good, Detect Gifted
Base Cost: 4
Range: 120 ft
Duration: Instant
This Meditation can be used to immediately end any single Gift or Meditation that is currently active in range.
Eschew Food and Water
Base Cost: 1
Range: Self
Duration: 24 hours (C), Special
During the duration of this Meditation the Star Knight needs not eat any food or drink any water; the Star Force sustains him and provides all needful nutrients.
Base Cost: 1
Range: Self
Duration: 24 hours (C), Special
During the duration of this Meditation the Star Knight needs not eat any food or drink any water; the Star Force sustains him and provides all needful nutrients.
The Meditation can be continued beyond the first day, though each day costs a number of Force Points equal to the number of days (2 on the second day, 3 on the third day, and so forth). Only once the Star Knight has consumed a full day’s worth of food and water does the number of Force Points required to use this Meditation reset.
Expand Senses
Prerequisite: Remote Viewing
Base Cost: 5
Range: Special
Duration: 1 minute (C)
The Star Knight is able to see and hear far off people or places, anywhere on the same planet, in near orbit, or on a moon orbiting the same planet, instantly, though he must name a specific location or direction within that range. If he has not actually been in that place, or does not actually know the person, he must make a saving throw each round to find the location or person. He must meditate in peace and quiet to use this Meditation. Any distraction will draw him back to his normal senses.
Prerequisite: Remote Viewing
Base Cost: 5
Range: Special
Duration: 1 minute (C)
The Star Knight is able to see and hear far off people or places, anywhere on the same planet, in near orbit, or on a moon orbiting the same planet, instantly, though he must name a specific location or direction within that range. If he has not actually been in that place, or does not actually know the person, he must make a saving throw each round to find the location or person. He must meditate in peace and quiet to use this Meditation. Any distraction will draw him back to his normal senses.
Feather Fall
Base Cost: 1 (Reaction)
Range: Self
Duration: 1 minute (C)
The Star Knight slows any fall experienced by the Star Knight to merely 10 feet per round. The Meditation thus must be continued for falls longer than 60 feet. The effect of the Meditation ends the moment the Star Knight lands on his two feet, on the ground or otherwise (such as on a hovercar), or grasps any object that is connected to the ground in any fashion (such as a flag post or antenna of a building). The Star Knight can attempt to direct his fall in a gliding fashion to an area up to 5 feet distant from his point of fall per 30 feet of fall by making a saving throw with a bonus from Dexterity; failure indicates he goes into an uncontrolled spin and when he does land, he suffers 1d6 points of damage.
Base Cost: 1 (Reaction)
Range: Self
Duration: 1 minute (C)
The Star Knight slows any fall experienced by the Star Knight to merely 10 feet per round. The Meditation thus must be continued for falls longer than 60 feet. The effect of the Meditation ends the moment the Star Knight lands on his two feet, on the ground or otherwise (such as on a hovercar), or grasps any object that is connected to the ground in any fashion (such as a flag post or antenna of a building). The Star Knight can attempt to direct his fall in a gliding fashion to an area up to 5 feet distant from his point of fall per 30 feet of fall by making a saving throw with a bonus from Dexterity; failure indicates he goes into an uncontrolled spin and when he does land, he suffers 1d6 points of damage.
Base Cost: 5
Range: Self
Duration: 1 minute (C)
This Meditation gives the Star Knight a prescient awareness. For the duration, they gain a +2 to Armor Class and Saving Throws, and they cannot be surprised.
Base Cost: 5
Range: Self
Duration: 1 minute (C)
This Meditation gives the Star Knight a prescient awareness. For the duration, they gain a +2 to Armor Class and Saving Throws, and they cannot be surprised.
Heal Other
Prerequisites: Detect Life, Healing Meditation, Healing Trance
Base Cost: 4
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
The Star Knight can touch a wounded individual and instantly restore 1d6+1 hit points. This Meditation cannot heal Constitution damage or be used to regain Force Points.
Prerequisites: Detect Life, Healing Meditation, Healing Trance
Base Cost: 4
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
The Star Knight can touch a wounded individual and instantly restore 1d6+1 hit points. This Meditation cannot heal Constitution damage or be used to regain Force Points.
Healing Meditation
Base Cost: 1
Range: Self
Duration: Instant
This Meditation heals the Star Knight of 1d6+1 hit points of damage. It cannot be used to heal damage to Constitution or to regain Force Points. It cannot be used by spending hit points to activate the meditation.
Base Cost: 1
Range: Self
Duration: Instant
This Meditation heals the Star Knight of 1d6+1 hit points of damage. It cannot be used to heal damage to Constitution or to regain Force Points. It cannot be used by spending hit points to activate the meditation.
Healing Trance
Prerequisite: Detect Life, Star Force Meditation
Base Cost: 1
Range: Self and Touch
Duration: 8 hours
This Meditation allows the Star Knight to recover an additional point of damage per level after a day’s rest. Alternatively, they can use this Meditation to assist another’s healing by concentrating with them while they rest. It cannot be used to heal damage to Constitution or to regain Force points.
Prerequisite: Detect Life, Star Force Meditation
Base Cost: 1
Range: Self and Touch
Duration: 8 hours
This Meditation allows the Star Knight to recover an additional point of damage per level after a day’s rest. Alternatively, they can use this Meditation to assist another’s healing by concentrating with them while they rest. It cannot be used to heal damage to Constitution or to regain Force points.
Interstellar Navigation
Base Cost: 1 per Parsec
Range: Self
Duration: 1 hyperspace jump
This Meditation enables the Star Knight to navigate a hyperspace jump without the need for a navigation computer. The time to calculate the jump is merely one minute per Parsec. The Star Knight can cut this time down to one round per Parsec, but then must make a saving throw after jumping into hyperspace; if the saving throw fails he ends up miscalculating the jump, ending up one Parsec away from the original target per point by which the save failed. If the save failed on a Natural 1, the jump is off by an additional 1d100 Parsecs.
Base Cost: 1 per Parsec
Range: Self
Duration: 1 hyperspace jump
This Meditation enables the Star Knight to navigate a hyperspace jump without the need for a navigation computer. The time to calculate the jump is merely one minute per Parsec. The Star Knight can cut this time down to one round per Parsec, but then must make a saving throw after jumping into hyperspace; if the saving throw fails he ends up miscalculating the jump, ending up one Parsec away from the original target per point by which the save failed. If the save failed on a Natural 1, the jump is off by an additional 1d100 Parsecs.
Base Cost: 1 (Reaction)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
Once activated, this Meditation allows the Star Knight to leap and jump prodigious distances. They can easily leap 30 feet horizontally or 15 feet vertically. If an enemy is unsuspecting, this can easily surprise them on a 1-4 on d6 or allow the user to retreat from combat without suffering an attack.
Base Cost: 1 (Reaction)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
Once activated, this Meditation allows the Star Knight to leap and jump prodigious distances. They can easily leap 30 feet horizontally or 15 feet vertically. If an enemy is unsuspecting, this can easily surprise them on a 1-4 on d6 or allow the user to retreat from combat without suffering an attack.
Prerequisites: Feather Fall, Telekinetic Hand
Base Cost: 2
Range: Self
Duration: 1 minute (C)
The Star Knight can levitate up or down up to 20 feet per round; horizontal movement is not possible, save by moving along the walls or ceiling with hands.
Prerequisites: Feather Fall, Telekinetic Hand
Base Cost: 2
Range: Self
Duration: 1 minute (C)
The Star Knight can levitate up or down up to 20 feet per round; horizontal movement is not possible, save by moving along the walls or ceiling with hands.
Locate Object
Base Cost: 2
Range: 120 ft
Duration: Instant
This Meditation gives the Star Knight the correct direction (as the crow flies) and distance toward an object the character specifies with a description. The object cannot be something the character has never seen, although this Meditation can detect an object in a general class of items known to the Star Knight: stairs, a Star Sword, etc.
Base Cost: 2
Range: 120 ft
Duration: Instant
This Meditation gives the Star Knight the correct direction (as the crow flies) and distance toward an object the character specifies with a description. The object cannot be something the character has never seen, although this Meditation can detect an object in a general class of items known to the Star Knight: stairs, a Star Sword, etc.
Mind Shield
Prerequisites: Detect Thoughts, Mind Voice, Telepathy
Base Cost: 5
Range: Self
Duration: 24 hours
This Meditation protects the mind of the Star Knight for the next 24 hours. During that time, they are immune to all Meditations and Gifts that affect the mind. They are also immune to any natural, technological, or chemical attempt to influence their mind. Pain and torture are useless against them, as are truth serums or pheromones. This power can be nullified by dispel effect, though the Star Knight gets a saving throw to resist the dispel effect Meditation or Gift.
Prerequisites: Detect Thoughts, Mind Voice, Telepathy
Base Cost: 5
Range: Self
Duration: 24 hours
This Meditation protects the mind of the Star Knight for the next 24 hours. During that time, they are immune to all Meditations and Gifts that affect the mind. They are also immune to any natural, technological, or chemical attempt to influence their mind. Pain and torture are useless against them, as are truth serums or pheromones. This power can be nullified by dispel effect, though the Star Knight gets a saving throw to resist the dispel effect Meditation or Gift.
The downside of this Meditation is that if the Star Knight attempts to use detect thoughts, mind voice, or telepathy, he must make a saving throw; if the saving throw fails, the Force Points spent are lost and the use of the Meditation fails. If he fails the saving throw with a Natural 1, the mind shield also fails.
Mind Voice
Prerequisite: Detect Thoughts
Base Cost: 2
Range: 120 ft
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
This Meditation allows the Star Knight to send and receive surface thoughts to a target. This power does not allow deep mind reading, only those thoughts the target wishes to share. This communication transcends language barriers.
Prerequisite: Detect Thoughts
Base Cost: 2
Range: 120 ft
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
This Meditation allows the Star Knight to send and receive surface thoughts to a target. This power does not allow deep mind reading, only those thoughts the target wishes to share. This communication transcends language barriers.
Neutralize Poison
Prerequisites: Detect Life, Heal Other, Healing Meditation, Healing Trance
Base Cost: 3
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
The Star Knight can purge poison from either himself or another living being with a touch.
Prerequisites: Detect Life, Heal Other, Healing Meditation, Healing Trance
Base Cost: 3
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
The Star Knight can purge poison from either himself or another living being with a touch.
Protection from Firearms
Prerequisites: Awareness, Telekinetic Hand, Telekinetic Shield
Base Cost: 3 (Reaction)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
This Meditation creates an invisible force field around the Star Knight which no firearm (kinetic missile such as bullet, slug-thrower, needler, gyro-pistol, rocket-pistol, etc.) may penetrate. This also affects thrown weapons such as axes and more primitive missile weapons such as arrows. Any such missiles fall harmlessly to the ground a foot away from the Star Knight, as though they had struck an impenetrable steel wall. The Meditation has no effect on lasers, blasters, or other energy-based weapons; larger, vehicle-scale missiles also are unaffected, as is shrapnel from grenades and bombs. Melee weapons are also unaffected by the effect of this Meditation.
Prerequisites: Awareness, Telekinetic Hand, Telekinetic Shield
Base Cost: 3 (Reaction)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
This Meditation creates an invisible force field around the Star Knight which no firearm (kinetic missile such as bullet, slug-thrower, needler, gyro-pistol, rocket-pistol, etc.) may penetrate. This also affects thrown weapons such as axes and more primitive missile weapons such as arrows. Any such missiles fall harmlessly to the ground a foot away from the Star Knight, as though they had struck an impenetrable steel wall. The Meditation has no effect on lasers, blasters, or other energy-based weapons; larger, vehicle-scale missiles also are unaffected, as is shrapnel from grenades and bombs. Melee weapons are also unaffected by the effect of this Meditation.
Read Languages
Prerequisite: Comprehend Languages
Base Cost: 2
Range: Reading distance
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
This Meditation allows the Star Knight to read directions, instructions, and similar notations written in unfamiliar or even unknown languages.
Prerequisite: Comprehend Languages
Base Cost: 2
Range: Reading distance
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
This Meditation allows the Star Knight to read directions, instructions, and similar notations written in unfamiliar or even unknown languages.
Remote Viewing
Prerequisite: Star Force Meditation
Base Cost: 3
Range: Special
Duration: 1 minute (C)
This Meditation allows the character to see distant locations; the Star Knight must be able to meditate in peace and quiet during this Meditation. The view-point of the Star Knight moves away from the Star Knight at one mile per level, though it snaps back instantly when willed to do so or when the duration ends.
Prerequisite: Star Force Meditation
Base Cost: 3
Range: Special
Duration: 1 minute (C)
This Meditation allows the character to see distant locations; the Star Knight must be able to meditate in peace and quiet during this Meditation. The view-point of the Star Knight moves away from the Star Knight at one mile per level, though it snaps back instantly when willed to do so or when the duration ends.
Speak with Animals
Prerequisite: Detect Life
Base Cost: 2
Range: 30 ft
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
The Star Knight can speak with animals within range. There is a chance that the animals will assist him, and they will not attack him or his party (unless he’s got something particularly offensive to say).
Prerequisite: Detect Life
Base Cost: 2
Range: 30 ft
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
The Star Knight can speak with animals within range. There is a chance that the animals will assist him, and they will not attack him or his party (unless he’s got something particularly offensive to say).
Speak with Plants
Prerequisites: Detect Life, Speak with Animals
Base Cost: 4
Range: 30 ft
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
The Star Knight can speak to and understand the replies of plants. Plants will obey his commands as far as they are able (e.g. twisting or bending aside to ease his passage, etc.). Intelligent plant Styles, such as plant aliens, get a saving throw to resist the Star knight’s commands.
Prerequisites: Detect Life, Speak with Animals
Base Cost: 4
Range: 30 ft
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
The Star Knight can speak to and understand the replies of plants. Plants will obey his commands as far as they are able (e.g. twisting or bending aside to ease his passage, etc.). Intelligent plant Styles, such as plant aliens, get a saving throw to resist the Star knight’s commands.
Speed Burst
Base Cost: 1 (Reaction)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
This Meditation doubles the Star Knight’s movement.
Base Cost: 1 (Reaction)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
This Meditation doubles the Star Knight’s movement.
Star Force Meditation
Base Cost: 0
Range: Self
Duration: Special
This Meditation enables the Star Knight to regain Force Points through meditation. For every hour the Star Knight meditates he regains a number of Force Points equal to his level plus his Wisdom bonus.
Base Cost: 0
Range: Self
Duration: Special
This Meditation enables the Star Knight to regain Force Points through meditation. For every hour the Star Knight meditates he regains a number of Force Points equal to his level plus his Wisdom bonus.
Star Light
Base Cost: 1
Range: 30 ft
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
This Meditation creates a small mote of starlight that sheds full light in a 20’ radius. It floats within 30 ft of the Star Knight, forming where he wills it, and moving as he wills it to move (requires concentration). If the Star Knight does not concentrate on moving the mote of light, it moves with the Star Knight as it was last directed to do so.
Base Cost: 1
Range: 30 ft
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
This Meditation creates a small mote of starlight that sheds full light in a 20’ radius. It floats within 30 ft of the Star Knight, forming where he wills it, and moving as he wills it to move (requires concentration). If the Star Knight does not concentrate on moving the mote of light, it moves with the Star Knight as it was last directed to do so.
Star Speed
Prerequisites: Alter Reflexes, Leap, Speed Burst
Base Cost: 5
Range: Self
Duration: 1 hour (C), Special
The Star Knight can run at incredible overland speeds; this Meditation is of no use in combat, and can be used only for long-distance running. The Star Knight can run at a speed of 10 miles per hour per level; as this also combines the effect of the leap Meditation, all ground cover other than badlands and mountains is considered effectively clear for movement purposes. The Meditation ends immediately if the Star Knight stops running for any reason.
Prerequisites: Alter Reflexes, Leap, Speed Burst
Base Cost: 5
Range: Self
Duration: 1 hour (C), Special
The Star Knight can run at incredible overland speeds; this Meditation is of no use in combat, and can be used only for long-distance running. The Star Knight can run at a speed of 10 miles per hour per level; as this also combines the effect of the leap Meditation, all ground cover other than badlands and mountains is considered effectively clear for movement purposes. The Meditation ends immediately if the Star Knight stops running for any reason.
Star Sword Forms
Star Sword Forms are styles of use of the Star Sword. A Star Knight may use only one Star Sword Form per round, though he may have more than one Form active at a time.
Star Sword Forms are styles of use of the Star Sword. A Star Knight may use only one Star Sword Form per round, though he may have more than one Form active at a time.
Star Sword Form: Attack Style
Prerequisites: Defensive Style
Base Cost: 2
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
The Star Knight focuses his mind on battle at hand, gaining a +1 to all “to hit” rolls for the duration of this Meditation.
Prerequisites: Defensive Style
Base Cost: 2
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
The Star Knight focuses his mind on battle at hand, gaining a +1 to all “to hit” rolls for the duration of this Meditation.
Star Sword Form: Defensive Style
Base Cost: 1 (Reaction)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
The Star Knight centers himself and prepares to face his foes. All enemies suffer a -1 penalty on any “to-hit” rolls made against the Star Knight and he receives a +1 bonus to all saving throws made to resist any abilities they have which can be resisted with a saving throw.
Base Cost: 1 (Reaction)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
The Star Knight centers himself and prepares to face his foes. All enemies suffer a -1 penalty on any “to-hit” rolls made against the Star Knight and he receives a +1 bonus to all saving throws made to resist any abilities they have which can be resisted with a saving throw.
Star Sword Form: Offensive Style
Prerequisites: Attack Style, Defensive Style
Base Cost: 3
Range: Self
Duration: 1 minute (C)
This Meditation focuses the Star Knight’s combat technique into a whirlwind of destruction. They inflict an additional 1d6 points of damage with every successful attack when wielding a Star Sword. This damage bonus does not apply to redirected attacks.
Prerequisites: Attack Style, Defensive Style
Base Cost: 3
Range: Self
Duration: 1 minute (C)
This Meditation focuses the Star Knight’s combat technique into a whirlwind of destruction. They inflict an additional 1d6 points of damage with every successful attack when wielding a Star Sword. This damage bonus does not apply to redirected attacks.
Star Sword Form: Protective Style
Base Cost: 1 (Reaction)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
The Star Knight, when wielding a Star Sword, can apply any portion of his bonus to hit for that round as a bonus to the Armor Class of any adjacent ally. The Star Knight can also use his Parry and Deflect abilities when the ally is hit in combat. The Star Knight must declare which adjacent ally is being protected at the beginning of each round, and the amount of the bonus that is being applied to the defense.
Base Cost: 1 (Reaction)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
The Star Knight, when wielding a Star Sword, can apply any portion of his bonus to hit for that round as a bonus to the Armor Class of any adjacent ally. The Star Knight can also use his Parry and Deflect abilities when the ally is hit in combat. The Star Knight must declare which adjacent ally is being protected at the beginning of each round, and the amount of the bonus that is being applied to the defense.
Star Sword Form: Whirlwind Attack
Prerequisites: Awareness, SS: Attack Style, SS: Defensive Style
Base Cost: 1 per target (Reaction)
Range: Self
Duration: 1 round
For the current round, the Star Knight may make one Star Sword attack at each adjacent enemy. If the attack hits, the target may make a saving throw to suffer only half damage.
Prerequisites: Awareness, SS: Attack Style, SS: Defensive Style
Base Cost: 1 per target (Reaction)
Range: Self
Duration: 1 round
For the current round, the Star Knight may make one Star Sword attack at each adjacent enemy. If the attack hits, the target may make a saving throw to suffer only half damage.
Suspended Animation
Prerequisites: Detect Life, Eschew Food and Water, Healing Trance, Star Force Meditation
Base Cost: 1
Range: Self
Duration: Special
Using this Meditation the Star Knight enters a state of suspended animation, during which his bodily functions slow down dramatically. During the period of suspended animation the Star Knight does not need to eat food, drink water, or breathe air, and is immune to natural variations in heat and cold (between -60 degrees to 160 degrees Fahrenheit). This allows the Star Knight to survive in low-pressure atmospheres or mildly tainted atmospheres, but not in a vacuum or in poisonous atmospheres.
Prerequisites: Detect Life, Eschew Food and Water, Healing Trance, Star Force Meditation
Base Cost: 1
Range: Self
Duration: Special
Using this Meditation the Star Knight enters a state of suspended animation, during which his bodily functions slow down dramatically. During the period of suspended animation the Star Knight does not need to eat food, drink water, or breathe air, and is immune to natural variations in heat and cold (between -60 degrees to 160 degrees Fahrenheit). This allows the Star Knight to survive in low-pressure atmospheres or mildly tainted atmospheres, but not in a vacuum or in poisonous atmospheres.
The Meditation requires expenditure of 1 Force Point per 24 hours; this is spent automatically, as long as the Star Knight remains in suspended animation. The Star Knight awakens when he runs out of Force Points or when a pre-set condition occurs.
Prerequisites: Telekinetic Force, Telekinetic Hand, Telekinetic Shield
Base Cost: 5
Range: 120 ft
Duration: 1 minute (C)
The Star Knight can move objects using mental power alone. The amount of weight he can lift and move is 20 pounds per level up to 20 feet per round.
Prerequisites: Telekinetic Force, Telekinetic Hand, Telekinetic Shield
Base Cost: 5
Range: 120 ft
Duration: 1 minute (C)
The Star Knight can move objects using mental power alone. The amount of weight he can lift and move is 20 pounds per level up to 20 feet per round.
Telekinetic Force
Prerequisite: Telekinetic Hand
Base Cost: 3 (Reaction)
Range: 30 ft
Duration: Instant
This Meditation gives the Star Knight a potent weapon, allowing them to either thrust targets towards or away from themselves with but a thought for the duration of the power.
Prerequisite: Telekinetic Hand
Base Cost: 3 (Reaction)
Range: 30 ft
Duration: Instant
This Meditation gives the Star Knight a potent weapon, allowing them to either thrust targets towards or away from themselves with but a thought for the duration of the power.
The target is allowed a saving throw, but if failed will be either flung 30 feet away from the character, or pulled directly towards them. If they impact a solid object, such as a wall, they will suffer 1d6 damage. If they are pulled towards the Star Knight, the star Knight may make an immediate attack against the target at a +2 bonus to hit.
This can also be used to snatch an object from a target. If the target fails a saving throw, you can pull an item from their hands or off their clothing into your hand or fling it further away.
Telekinetic Hand
Base Cost: 1 (Reaction)
Range: 60 ft
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
This Meditation allows the character to lift and manipulate one or more objects, up to 5 lbs per level in weight. It requires no more concentration to lift an object than it would with one’s hand. Objects may be carried along in this fashion, floating at the user’s whim. This power can be used on multiple different objects during the duration, but only one per manipulating limb of the Star Knight at a time. The Star Knight must make a saving throw in order to use the telekinetic hand to manipulate buttons or perform other fine work.
Base Cost: 1 (Reaction)
Range: 60 ft
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
This Meditation allows the character to lift and manipulate one or more objects, up to 5 lbs per level in weight. It requires no more concentration to lift an object than it would with one’s hand. Objects may be carried along in this fashion, floating at the user’s whim. This power can be used on multiple different objects during the duration, but only one per manipulating limb of the Star Knight at a time. The Star Knight must make a saving throw in order to use the telekinetic hand to manipulate buttons or perform other fine work.
Telekinetic Shield
Prerequisite: Telekinetic Hand
Base Cost: 2 (Reaction)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
The character wraps themselves in waves of telekinetic force, protecting them from attacks. They gain a +2 bonus to Armor Class and Saving Throws.
Prerequisite: Telekinetic Hand
Base Cost: 2 (Reaction)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
The character wraps themselves in waves of telekinetic force, protecting them from attacks. They gain a +2 bonus to Armor Class and Saving Throws.
Prerequisite: Detect Thoughts, Mind Voice
Base Cost: 3
Range: 360 feet and Special
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
The character can send and receive mental communication with any one target within 360 feet. If they are intimately connected with a target, such as family, friends, or lovers, then they can communicate with them if they are within one mile per level. An unwilling target can make a saving throw to drive the character out of their mind. This power only allows the reading of surface thoughts.
Prerequisite: Detect Thoughts, Mind Voice
Base Cost: 3
Range: 360 feet and Special
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
The character can send and receive mental communication with any one target within 360 feet. If they are intimately connected with a target, such as family, friends, or lovers, then they can communicate with them if they are within one mile per level. An unwilling target can make a saving throw to drive the character out of their mind. This power only allows the reading of surface thoughts.
Prerequisite: Comprehend Languages
Base Cost: 3
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
This Meditation allows the Star Knight to speak and be understood by any sentient being (including robots) within speaking distance. The listener understands the Star Knight in its own native language, even if the Star Knight does not and cannot speak that language. Conversely, the Star Knight understands all spoken languages he hears during the duration of this Meditation.
Prerequisite: Comprehend Languages
Base Cost: 3
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
This Meditation allows the Star Knight to speak and be understood by any sentient being (including robots) within speaking distance. The listener understands the Star Knight in its own native language, even if the Star Knight does not and cannot speak that language. Conversely, the Star Knight understands all spoken languages he hears during the duration of this Meditation.
Prerequisites: Expand Senses, Remote Viewing
Base Cost: 9
Range: Self
Duration: Three questions
The Star Knight senses their destiny and the player may ask the Referee three questions regarding the events of the current campaign. The Referee may answer as directly or cryptically as they wish.
Prerequisites: Expand Senses, Remote Viewing
Base Cost: 9
Range: Self
Duration: Three questions
The Star Knight senses their destiny and the player may ask the Referee three questions regarding the events of the current campaign. The Referee may answer as directly or cryptically as they wish.
This Meditation is very taxing to the Star Knight and may only be used once per week.
Water Breathing
Base Cost: 3 (Reaction)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
The Star Knight can breathe underwater for the duration of this Meditation.
Base Cost: 3 (Reaction)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (C)
The Star Knight can breathe underwater for the duration of this Meditation.