Here is a trio of magic-user and elf spells I worked up after watching a few episodes of the Dungeons & Dragons Cartoon. Enjoy!
Warrior’s Bane
Level: 1
Duration: Instant
Range: 120’
With this spell the magic-user causes a target’s hand-held items – weapons, shield, wand, staff, sandwich, beer stein, whatever is held in hand – to fly away from them, 1d4x5’ each away in a random direction. Optionally, the caster may have the items fly to her, stacked neatly at her feet and/or into her open hands. The spell works against all kinds of classes and creatures, not just warriors or fighters. The target gets a saving throw versus Spells to avoid the effect. If any of the items held are magical, the target gains the highest bonus from the items to their saving throw. If the target’s save is a “Natural 1,” non-magical items held are shattered and destroyed. The caster may target an additional being at 2nd level, a third at 4th level, a fourth at 6th level, and so on.
Knight’s Bane
Level: 2
Duration: Instant
Range: 120’
With this spell the magic-user causes a target’s clothing and armor (suit, not shield) to be destroyed, disappearing into thin air, leaving only such underclothing as the target might be wearing – if any. The spell works against all kinds of classes and creatures, not just knights or fighters. The target gets a saving throw versus Spells to avoid the effect. Magical armor provides its bonus to the target’s saving throw, and if it fails, it simply fades out for one turn per caster level. The caster may target an additional being for every two levels above 3rd – two at 5th, three at 7th, four at 9th, etc.
Wizard’s Bane
Level: 3
Duration: Instant
Range: 120’
With this spell the magic-user causes a target’s magic items – of whatever sort, whether held in hand, in a pouch or pack, or even tied down – and including a magic-user or elf’s spell books – to be pulled out from wherever they are stowed to fly away to the caster, stacked neatly at her feet and/or into her open hands. Items that are in a bag of holding or similar item remain in the bag, though the bag itself might be drawn by the spell. The spell works against all kinds of classes and creatures, not just magic-users. The target gets a saving throw versus Spells to avoid the effect; the effect is all or nothing, not based on individual items. If any of the items held or carried have a magical bonus to hit or to armor class, the target gains the highest bonus from the items to their saving throw. The caster may target an additional being for every two levels above 5th – two at 7th, three at 9th, four at 11th, etc. NOTE: There is a variant of this spell in which the effect appears in the form of flying monkeys that grab the items and take them back to the caster.