Sunday, October 24, 2021

[TOEE] New 5E Greyhawk Campaign OAR6 Temple of Elemental Evil

 I have started a new Fifth Edition Dungeons & Dragons campaign using Goodman Games' Original Adventures Reincarnated #6 -- The Temple of Elemental Evil.

While I very much enjoy most of the conversion, one thing that I felt needed more personalization was the map of the environs of Hommlet and Nulb, the easternmost section of the Kron Hills and westernmost portion of the Gnarly Forest. And so I have made a new map; it is more focused than that of OAR6, covering only the area of the original map included with the TOEE, so it is about 30 miles north-south by 50 miles east-west, or thereabouts.

It is also much more solidly packed with lesser and side adventures than OAR6 or the original. I based the amount of potential adventures on Gary's Random Wilderness Terrain generator (Appendix B, 1E DMG p. 173), which assumes a scale of 1 mile per hex (as I have for this map), and therein 1 in 6 hexes thereof should have some sort of settlement, stronghold, or ruin (in addition to any monstrous lairs). In the case of the region, most settlements and strongholds are ruins, of course, and I also folded monstrous lairs and special locales into the fold; yet even with seeding only one locale in 10 hexes, I still have 138 locations on the map!

I am assuming population density of around 10 per square mile, equivalent to that of the North of England after The Bastard's Harrowing. 

It gives the whole a very Wilderlands-esque feel. Excellent!

As it is getting late, without any further ado, here is the map. Email me at jamesmishler at gmail dot com if you want a larger version.

Environs of Hommlet and Nulb
Right Click and Open in New Tab to Embiggen... 

Saturday, October 23, 2021

[Now Available] 20 Minor Magic Items #01 for use with Fifth Edition

20 Minor Magic Items #01 for use with Fifth Edition
By James Mishler and Jodi Moran-Mishler
Designed for use with Fifth Edition
20 Minor Magic Items contains 20 items of lesser or least magical sort, designed to be given to lower-level characters. Most of the Minor Magic Items listed herein are common or very common items of minor, lesser, or petty sort. One common or two very common items from this booklet can be substituted for any one common item from the standard treasure lists.

The 20 items are:
Adamantine-Chased Armor
Ammunition of Ready Recovery
Belt Pouch of Plenty
Crown of the Goblin King
Grenade of Wonder
Healing Salve
Holy Crackers
Instant Armor
Locket of Memory
Pastries of Provisioning
Phantasmal Pipe
Ring of Invisibility, Lesser
Ring of Truth
Ring of Warding
Rune Weapon, Lesser
Shielding Shield
Talisman of Resistance
Talisman of Protection
Thieves Tools Nonpareil
Tome of the Master
8-page PDF (4 pages of content) – $1 CHEAP!

Friday, October 15, 2021

[Now Available] Monstrous Miscellany #02 for Labyrinth Lord

Monstrous Miscellany #02
By James Mishler and Jodi Moran-Mishler
Compatible with Labyrinth Lord

Monstrous Miscellany #02 is a collection of four new monsters designed for use with Labyrinth Lord, but readily useable with any Old School RPG:

Monstrous Miscellany #02 Cover

Giant Centaur
– A giant creature appropriate for Lost Worlds and Mysterious Islands.

Krum the Smasher – A monstrous godling who does nothing but smash the works of civilization leaving ruin and suffering in his wake.

Brain Moths – One eyed, one tentacled, flying purple brain eaters from another dimension!

Ulfartrolls – Born of the union of lycanthropic witches and trolls, these berserker beasts surpass their ancestors in their wickedness and might!

Designed for use with Labyrinth Lord, easily used with any Old School RPG system!

9-page PDF (4 pages of content) – $1 CHEAP!