Here are some new spells for conjuring up a quick (but not cheap or even necessarily good) army...
Conjure Goblinoid
Magic-user 1
This spell transforms
one or more normal animals of animal intelligence into kobolds, goblins, orcs, hobgoblins, gnolls, or bugbears. The magic-user can conjure one “point” worth of goblinoids per caster
level; a kobold (1/2 HD) or goblin (1-1 HD) costs 1/2 point; an orc (1 HD) costs 1
point; a hobgoblin (1+1 HD) costs 1 1/2 points; a gnoll (2 HD) costs 2 points; and
a bugbear (3+1 HD) costs 3 points; “leader types” can also be conjured for the
base cost of the goblinoid type plus 1 point per additional hit die, though goblinoids
with class levels cannot be conjured in this way.
Multiple kobolds may be conjured from a single canine, including coyotes, dogs, foxes, or jackals; a
single canine may be used to conjure as many kobolds as it has hit points. Goblins
must be individually conjured from tiny or small lesser creatures, such as badgers,
birds, cats, dogs, foxes, frogs, lizards, monkeys, piglets, rats, toads,
weasels, etc. Orcs are conjured exclusively from adult swine – wild swine,
domesticated pigs, or warthogs. Hobgoblins must be conjured from small to
medium-sized carnivores or omnivores, such as black bears, large birds, baboons,
chimpanzees, crocodiles, large dogs, goats, panthers, and so forth. Gnolls must
be conjured from hyenas. Bugbears must be conjured from medium to large
carnivores or omnivores, such as brown bears, polar bears, lions, tigers, wolverines,
wolves, and so on.
Conjured goblinoids
have goblin-level intelligence, fully understand goblin “culture,” can speak their
dialect of Goblinish and Common, and are obedient to their creator (+2 Morale).
They can reproduce among themselves by type (provided there are males and females), often mixing the characteristics
of their founding animals into strange and unusual combinations. They do not
have armor or weapons when conjured. Once conjured, the goblinoids are
permanent, and cannot be dispelled.
Each individual target
gets a saving throw versus Spells; if an animal’s saving throw succeeds, that
animal is not transformed, and flees thereafter at maximum speed for one round
per caster level.
The material
component is gem dust, sprinkled on or toward the target animal(s), requiring 10
gpv per point used, which is expended in the casting of the spell.
Conjure Light Panoply
Magic-user 1
With this spell the
caster creates a suit of armor and weapons out of thin air, up to one additional
panoply per level. The spell conjures a suit of studded leather armor, plus one
one-handed melee weapon and a shield or a short bow with a quiver of 20
arrows or a light crossbow with a case of 10 quarrels, plus a dagger or
hand axe. The panoply appears on a willing target within range. Once conjured,
the armor and weapons are permanent, and cannot be dispelled. The
material component is gem dust, sprinkled on or toward the target, worth no less than 50 gp per panoply
conjured, which is expended in the casting of the spell.
Conjure Medium Panoply
Magic-user 2
With this spell the
caster creates a suit of armor and weapons out of thin air, one panoply at 3rd
level and up to one additional per level thereafter. The spell conjures a suit
of chain mail armor, plus one one-handed melee weapon and a shield or a
two-handed melee weapon or a short or long bow with a quiver of 20
arrows, or a light or heavy crossbow with a case of 10 quarrels, plus a
dagger or hand axe. The panoply appears on a willing target within range. Once
conjured, the armor and weapons are permanent, and cannot be dispelled. The material component is gem dust, sprinkled on or toward the target, worth no less than 100 gp per panoply
conjured, which is expended in the casting of the spell.
Conjure Heavy Panoply
Magic-user 3
With this spell the
caster creates a suit of armor and weapons out of thin air, one panoply at 5th
level and up to one additional per level thereafter. The spell conjures a suit
of plate mail armor, plus one one-handed melee weapon and a shield or a
two-handed melee weapon or a short or long bow with a quiver of 20
arrows, or a light or heavy crossbow with a case of 10 quarrels, plus a
dagger or hand axe. The panoply appears on a willing target within range. Once
conjured, the armor and weapons are permanent, and cannot be dispelled. The material component is gem dust, sprinkled on or toward the target, worth no less than 250 gp per panoply
conjured, which is expended in the casting of the spell.
Conjure Knight’s
Magic-user 4
With this spell the
caster creates a suit of armor, weapons, and a steed out of thin air, one
panoply at 7th level and up to one additional per level thereafter.
The spell conjures a suit of shining plate mail armor, shield, lance, long
sword, and dagger, plus a mace, flail, or pick, and a warhorse complete with
barding. The tabard, shield, and great helm have coat of arms, badge, and/or crest
as appropriate. The panoply appears on a willing target within range, who is
also instantly seated upon the warhorse. Once conjured, the armor and weapons
are permanent, and cannot be dispelled. The material component is gem dust, sprinkled on or toward the target, worth no less than 500 gp per panoply conjured, which is expended in
the casting of the spell.