In January of 2011 I launched a new blog, this blog, Adventures in Gaming version 2.
I had had several blogs before this one, most notably of
course, Adventures in Gaming, not to mention other side blogs, including James
Mishler Games. For various reasons over the years, they all were shut down or
fell by the wayside.
This blog marks an era where I fully re-entered blogging and
later re-entered self-publishing, and tracks developments in my gaming and
publishing life for more than 12 years.
But now this blog, and my blogging, comes to an end.
For a long time now, this blog has devolved into just a place to
stick notes about my various campaigns and pimp my various publications. I’ve not
had anything new or interesting to say about games for an age or two. I am not
alone in this. Once, blogging was an easy, breezy way to share ideas about
games, discuss the history of games, and generally get to better grok games.
Now, at best, it seems a pointless chore. I have nothing
more to say. I no longer have the time or energy to post about such games as I
do run or play in, and my publications on DriveThruRPG are, well, to be found there
far more easily than any sort of post to this or any other blog.
And so, I am officially ending this blog, as well as the
James Mishler Games blog. They will remain up, for some time at least, as I
have no reason to take them down. That may change if policing attempts to post
spam comments becomes bothersome.
As mentioned, you can find new James Mishler Games Shadowdark
and eventually, Labyrinth Lord 2nd Edition products, on DriveThruRPG.
If the last 40-some years have taught me anything, it is
that nothing ever remains the same, everything always changes. So eventually, I might
return to blogging. If I do, I will post a link to my new blog here.
If, and until then, good gaming!