Delving deep into the origins of
Powers & Perils and the Perilous Lands has one great difficulty – the
designer, Richard Snider, passed away in 2009, leaving the “one true source” of
information forever out of touch. Fortunately, however, (most) games are not
designed in a vacuum, especially games published by major publishers, such as
the Avalon Hill Game Company. And thus, as with most such games, Powers & Perils and Perilous Lands have a list of playtesters…
Of the multitude of playtesters
listed, one name leapt out – that of Winchell Chung, as both a playtester and
artist for the entire series of four products. For the uninitiated, Winchell is
best known as “The Ogre Guy,” as in, the guy who designed the iconic style of
the Ogre – the gargantuan cybernetic tank used in Steve Jackson’s microgame,
Ogre. And Winchell is still active in the gaming community.
Fortunately, Winchell was very
kind to answer my many questions concerning his work on Powers & Perils and
Perilous Lands in a series of e-mails back and forth…
“I got started in gaming around
1975, when I saw an ad in ANALOG science fiction magazine for a game called
Stellar Conquest by Metagaming Concepts,” Winchell wrote. “From there I went on
to play GDW’s Triplanetary and SPI’s Star Force Alpha Centauri. From Lou Zocchi’s
catalog I got my first role-playing game – TSR’s Empire of the Petal Throne.
When I was a little boy I had a
copy of Avalon Hill’s Tactics II, but that doesn’t count since I only played it
about twice…”
It was a small, small world among
gamers even back then, in what is often known as the “Garage Industry” era. And
while gamers didn’t have Internet forums, they often communicated with
publishers through other means, such as through magazine letters or direct
letters via snail mail – though in Winchell’s case, the communication that
brought him his first publishing opportunity was quite accidental…
“While I was still in high
school, I subscribed to Metagaming’s magazine The Space Gamer. Just for fun, I
doodled some spaceships on my subscription letter. Metagaming was so hard-up
for art that they published the doodles in the next issue and asked for more.
Later I was offered commissions for artwork in their microgames, including
After earning his eternal
15-minutes of fame by designing the iconic form of the Ogre, Winchell went on
to work in the real world, in computing, but still had the bug to work in the
games industry. That’s when he noticed that the Avalon Hill Game Company was
“I rented a TRS-80 microcomputer
for a week, and wrote a computer game for it. The game was a glorified BASIC
Star Trek, with ASCII asterisk for stars and letters for starships. I had an
innovative way to allocate energy between movement, offense, and defense.
The game impressed Avalon Hill
enough that I got hired for their Microcomputer Game department, programming
Atari 800 computers.”
While Winchell’s main interests
were in computer games and wargames, he also played role-playing games. Thus,
when word passed around Avalon Hill that they were looking for playtesters for
a new role-playing game, Winchell signed up. It turned out that, among the
several RPGs that were in the works at Avalon Hill at the time (the others including
RuneQuest III, Tom Moldvay’s Lords of Creation, and James Bond 007 through
Avalon Hill’s imprint, Victory Games), the game Winchell went on to playtest
was Powers & Perils in the Perilous Lands, with the designer himself,
Richard Snider, as game master.
“Of all my memories of the
playtest, the worst was trying to read all the rulebooks in a single afternoon,
cramming for the first playtest session. Since this was playtesting, we were
expected to learn the game by reading the rulebooks, not by being coached by
the game master, Richard Snider. He would answer questions, though. He had an
encyclopedic knowledge of gaming in general and RPGs in particular.
“He never spoke about how he
plotted the campaign, as game master he was giving a performance, and like a
stage magician he never revealed how he did a trick. He only had a few notes,
but he performed as if he had reams of prepared notes. I think he had lots of
notes, but they were *memorized*. He knew how it all went together and all the
details, all at his fingertips inside his brain.
“Richard Snider had a keen mind,
and used it to totally control the game.
“He was somewhat precise – one of
the things I kept tripping over in the game was ‘experience’ and ‘expertise’.
They were distinct metrics, but in my mind they seemed to overlap quite a bit.
“As a game master, he was quite
good at delivering the lines of various non-player characters in various voices
and with various mannerisms. As the evil demigod Slidranth, he delivered his
lines with a cold haughty demeanor. As the guard dog being spoken to via a
‘communicate with animals’ spell, he delivered in a dorky, simpleminded,
scatterbrained manner.”
Slidranth makes his offer (Perilous Lands Site Book p. 20) by Winchell Chung
Of course, the
main focus of a playtest group is always on the rules, and how they work in
play, rather than theory. While there were a lot of rules in Powers &
Perils, the playtest group worked hard to break them…
“The general reaction of the
play-test group was that we really liked the system. It certainly had plenty of
detail. The game system ran fairly smoothly once we got the hang of it. There
was a lot of flipping through the rulebooks, however.
“The only thing that I was
worried about was it seemed just a little too crunchy, keeping track of a
little too much detail, given the small effect it had on one’s character. It
was nowhere near as bad as Advanced Squad Leader, but it did have tendencies in
that direction. Generating a character was a quite involved process.
“It was also odd the way the
various skills had different scales, some were 1-10 while others were 1-100.
“As playtesters we were required
to give our input at the end of each game session. As far as I can tell the
game ended up pretty much the way Richard Snider first designed it. All I know
for sure is that none of my suggestions were worthy of being acted upon.”
One of the most interesting
developments out of the playtest was how the actions of certain characters in
the playtest had an effect on the development of the published version of
Perilous Lands, the campaign setting developed for Power & Perils.
“One of the other playtesters,
David Kuijt, had their character father a child who turned out to be the
current incarnation of the dreaded demigod Slidranth aka the ‘Highwayman on the
Road to Death.’ If any of the characters died, as their soul moved on to the
afterlife, Slidranth would appear as a giant pair of eyes. Slidranth would say ‘here’s
the deal: you pledge me your fealty and I’ll bring you back to life.’
David’s character refused to be
intimidated by anything, and was fond of treating Slidranth as his wayward boy,
instead of a powerful demigod who could squish him like a bug. ‘Hey, Sliddy?
How’s it going?’ he would ask…
The concept behind Slidranth I
found impressive, a cut above standard Dungeons & Dragons boss monsters…”
David Kujit’s character was, as
it turns out, none other than Vlad Stonehand, an iconic character from the
Powers & Perils rules set, a major figure in current events in the Perilous
Lands, and a featured character in Snider’s article, “Weapons Masters of the
Perilous Lands,” (Heroes Vol. 1 No. 3). Therein he is described as being the world’s
grand master in the use of the bastard sword.
“We did a campaign-style series
of adventures during the playtest. My character was always in hot water, due to
my insistence on playing a magic-user character while we adventured in a land
where magic-users were considered to be demons who should be immediately burnt
at the stake.
“Al ‘Albrecht’ Hess played a
character who could speak to animals. Our group was on a mission to swipe a
specific item from a mansion guarded by watchdogs. Albrecht told us he had a
“Albrecht walks up to the dogs,
carrying a load of meat. As the dogs prepare to start barking he says (in dog
language) ‘Hey guys! How goes it? Gee I have a problem. I’ve got this load of
meat that nobody wants. Do you know of any lucky dogs around here who could use
a meat dinner?’
“Dogs start to frantically yip ‘ME!
“Albrecht tells them to pipe
down, and gives them the meat. He goes into the mansion and swipes the item.
Unfortunately, these are dishonest dogs, they do not STAY bought.
“Dogs look up ‘Good meat! Chomp
chomp! Hey, what are you doing? Are You Stealing Something?!?? THIEF! THIEF!!’
“Our characters barely made it
out of there with their lives…
“I remember another time when
Albrecht (whose character was Chaotic) tried using his speak-to-animals spell
to talk to some kind of flying snake (I forget, maybe a fire snake).
Unfortunately the animal was Lawful, so all it would say was ‘Oooh, you bad! You
“Later we were trying to convince
some villagers (who were Lawful) to help us. Albrecht started to look nervously
around. We asked him why, and he said ‘The last thing we need now is that
blasted snake landing on my shoulder and telling all the villagers 'He's Bad!
The playtest group was, to all
appearances, a typical role-playing game group – part serious, part
“I don't think Richard minded,
because he was focused on playtesting the game system. He was there to wring
out the bugs; our wacky style was superfluous. He could make the world as
serious as he wanted, since he was writing the world book all by himself.
“We were not ‘Monty Python’
wacky; we did strive to stay in character. It’s just that we could not resist
doing any (in-character) humor.
“When David Kuijt called
Slidranth ‘Sliddy,’ he didn't call Slidranth something out of character like,
‘you bargain-basement Sauron.’ He was trying to play Vlad Stonehand in
character, but showing Slidranth that he was not afraid.
“When Vlad said that, Richard
(playing the Slidranth NPC) played along. He gave Vlad an uplifted eyebrow, and
tsk-tsked Vlad as if thinking, ‘Ah, my silly overly brave father, it is going
to be a pity when I have to eat his soul...’”
Richard Snider was one of the
earliest players in Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor Campaign; he went on to work with Arneson
on Judges Guild’s First Fantasy Campaign supplement that detailed the original
Blackmoor Campaign, and later worked with Arneson on the Adventures in Fantasy
RPG, published originally by Excalibre and later by Arneson’s own publishing
company, Adventure Games.
From Richard Snider’s experience
in Arneson’s Blackmoor Campaign, I’d always assumed that the extensive
level of detail he provided of the Perilous Lands, notably the various military
forces, naval forces, income, and so forth, was designed to enable the classic
“end game” of early fantasy campaigns. This “end game” being, of course, the
goal of characters, once they rise to a certain level of ability, to forge
their own kingdoms or take over existing kingdoms and build their own empires.
Unfortunately, Winchell does not recall any mention of such an “end game” being
part of Snider’s goals for the Perilous Lands…
“I do not remember him saying
anything about characters becoming rulers of the kingdoms. But he did want to
ensure that the various nations and tribes were actually different from each
other, instead of being Generic Nation #1, Generic Nation #2 and so on. He
wanted to produce an impressive useful product for game masters, not some
flimsy useless item just to pad out the product line.”
Nor, unfortunately, is there any
known record, written or verbal, of Snider’s literary inspirations for Perilous
“He never mentioned any of that
when I was around,” Winchell wrote. “He did not want his work to appear to be
derivative of anything; it was all to be original from him.”
Winchell says his fondest memory
of working on Powers & Perils, Perilous Lands, the Book of Tables supplement,
and the Tower of the Dead adventure module, was working on the art for the
“For me, working on the art, it
was mostly the same-old same-old. You were given a written description of the
required illustration, general dimensions, and a deadline. And there were a lot
of pieces… the Barbarian Warriors and Civilized Peoples pieces at the end of
the Culture Book in Perilous Lands? I drew every single one of them. Took me
“Most of the reviewers really
liked James Talbot’s illustrations, but hated the work from all the other
artists (including me). There was a stink when somebody noticed that one of the
other artists was plagiarizing from Frank Frazetta’s work for the Powers &
Perils illustrations. She got fired for that…
“The cover of the Perilous Lands boxed set was
originally a bit spicier. The woman was topless – totally topless. But cooler
heads prevailed. The Powers That Be hesitated a minute, then said, ‘Uh-uh,’ and
sent it back to have a bikini top painted on…”
Today, Winchell mostly plays
boardgames, wargames, and computer games. He manages his website, the WeirdWorld of Winchell Chung, wherein can be found links to his various interests,
including the 3-D Star Charts and Atomic Rocket sub-sites that are dedicated to
assisting science-fiction gamers, writers, and other aficionados in maintaining
scientific realism in their games and stories.
Of the other playtesters, almost
nothing is known. If anyone has a lead on any of these playtesters, please let
me know; I’d love to get more information on the Powers & Perils and
Perilous Lands playtests!
David “Vlad Stonehand” Kuijt*%&
Al “Albrecht” Hess*&
John Huff*&
Charles Kibler
Ron Hall*
Winchell Chung*&
Dan Coggins*&
Martha Larkins
Larry McCauley
Jeff Sussman
Rorik Rorikson
Tom Murphy
Jeff Suzman**
Al Roireau**
Bill Peschel**%
“…and a multitude of others”
* Playtested both Powers &
Perils and Perilous Lands
** Playtested only Perilous Lands
% Edited Perilous Lands
& Playtested Tower of the
I also would like to do a full feature article on the art of
Powers & Perils and Perilous Lands. Here is a list of artists from the
Powers & Perils
Jim Talbot (Box Cover and Booklet Covers)
Stephanie Czech
Paul Dame
Winchell Chung
Bob Haynes
Charles Kibler
Ed “ECM” Morris
Perilous Lands
Jim Talbot (Box Cover)
Winchell Chung
Michael Creager
Bob Haynes (Color Maps)
Unknown (Interior Maps)
Tower of the Dead
Richard Barber (Box Cover)
Mike Creager
Winchell Chung
Bob Haynes
Book of Tables
Roger Norton
Winchell Chung
Michael Creager
Jim Talbot
This piece by Winchell Chung (Book of Tables p. 17) depicts game designer Richard Snider climbing a tower...