The Tepeshy immortals can be
separated into two factions, that of Burza and that of Vadok. This division
goes way back to the days of Taymor, when Nyx and Thanatos fought over the
souls of that realm.
Following the destruction of
Taymor, they decided that, in the matter of the surviving mountain Taymorans, they
would hold a truce and work together to keep the Taymorans a going concern.
Thus, while the Tepeshy view them as a married couple, they are viewed as a
feuding married couple on a level that make Zeus and Hera seem positively like lovebirds.
But as always, even with the feud between them, they and their “family” work
together to defend the Tepeshy as a whole.
Even though most of the other
Tepeshy immortals owe their immortality to Thanatos, as things go, they are no
more or less loyal to the Grim Reaper than they are to any other Immortals, and
so the Tepeshy immortals play each other off one another for immortal favor and
for further power on the mortal plane.
In Tepeshy religion, all the
immortals are viewed in human form; like the Tepeshy, with humanoid
I should note here that most Tepeshy
look almost perfectly human; most have only a slightly odd cast to their
features. Others are less human in appearance, and more monstrous. The best way
to understand the Tepeshy physical type is to consider the Addams Family extended
family as seen during the party scene in the original movie. Most are slightly
off-human norm, some more so, and others quite inhuman… and then imagine what
the Addams Family extended family was like in medieval times. That’s the
Unlike their Traladaran cousins,
the Tepeshy do not revere their immortals in a single, overarching faith; each has their own temple hierarchy and they generally remain aloof from one another.
Temples are not found in the settlements; they are at a distance, though each settlement
has a couple of shrines and the major settlements have shrines to most of the
immortals. Low-level clergy (3rd level and under) tend to the
shrines, while higher-level clergy pass through to perform more important rites
at the settlement shrines during certain unholy days. Most Tepeshy need nothing
more than the local village priest can provide; if they do need more, they must
go on a quest to the nearest temple of the appropriate immortal or seek out the
high temple of the immortal if they require truly miraculous assistance.
The Tepeshy immortals (and more
importantly, their clergy) work on a quid-pro-quo basis, requiring sacrifices
and payments for their services. The village clergy require low-level
sacrifices, such as foodstuffs, animals, and various useful goods (for
themselves) and coin and other valuable treasures for their immortals (kept in
the shrine or temple treasury, considered the treasure of the immortal,
literally). Higher-level clergy require more personal sacrifice, of one’s own
blood, a quest, or even the capture and sacrifice of an enemy or specific
monster (usually of Lawful sort). These are often personalized to the nature of
the immortal.
All the Tepeshy immortals are
served by ranks of demons; these demons, regardless of type, all conform to
some aspect of the immortal they serve. Thus, a Type IV demon serving Burza
would be more wolf and human like than boar and ape-like, while a Type IV
serving Strigz would have two faces and be armed and armored.
Each immortal has their own “divine
reward” on this world or in another, for their followers. Those whose worship
is simply “good enough” end up with their souls stuck for eternity in the
Underworld overseen by Rumgoth. Those who displease or fail their patron
immortal are cast into the Abyss to be eternally torn apart by demons.
Burza, Mother of Night, Queen of
Wolves (Nyx) appears as a matronly woman of indeterminate age; she has pale
skin, blood-red lips, long raven-dark hair, and deep, hypnotic eyes, and wears
a plain black dress as dark as night. She is never depicted as a wolf herself;
the wolves are her children, and she is their queen. She is often depicted with
a wolf or pack of wolves. Her symbol is a stylized wolf’s head. Her colors are
black and white; wolf pelts are often used for cloaks or other décor. Her
greatest servants are rewarded with transformation into a werewolf; her more
powerful servants also gain dire wolves as steeds. Her followers often keep
wolves or wolf-hounds as pets and guardians. Her clerics can speak with wolves.
Her following is strongest among those who live mostly by the hunt or live in
the heavily-forested highlands of the mountains. Her faithful can count on
being reincarnated as wolves. Note that it is not against her faith to kill
wolves; after all, it is a “wolf-eat-wolf” world. However, it is blasphemy to
hunt a wolf with magic or any other “unnatural” methods. Wolves who comport themselves
well in their death may be reincarnated as wolves or even werewolves; those who
die poorly are reincarnated as humans.
Burguul, Lord of Shadows and Lies,
Messenger of Burza (Masauwu) appears as a faceless shadow of a horned man with the
wings of a bat; it is said that bats are his messengers, and thus also the
messengers of his patron, Burza. His symbol is a stylized bat. His colors are
black and brown. His greatest servants are transformed into werebats; some of
his more powerful servants also gain giant bats as steeds. His followers often
keep bats and giant bats as pets and guardians. His clerics can speak with
bats. Those who displease him, or his mistress, are sent nightgaunts as
punishment. His faithful can count on being reincarnated as bats; those who
displease him are cast into the Abyss to be eternally torn apart by demons.
Vadok, Father of Death, King of
Vampires (Thanatos) appears as a pale-skinned man of monstrous countenance, with
great fangs and glowing red eyes, always dressed in regal finery tainted by the
grave. His symbol is a human skull, sometimes surmounted by a golden crown with
blood-red rubies. His colors are black and red (in all the colors of blood).
His followers seek to placate him, for his canon claims their only way to avoid
being cast into the Abyss to be tormented by demons for eternity is to serve
him eternally in death, as skeletons, zombies, wights, or some other form of
corporeal undead (in this guise Thanatos has nothing to do with incorporeal undead, nor in general
ghouls, ghasts, mummies, or liches). His most powerful and worthy servants are
transformed into vampires. These are often served by rats, giant rats, and
wererats. He is served by Death Demons and Lesser Reapers.
Zhurm, Patron of Sorcerers, Messenger
of Vadok (Alphaks) appears much like his master, Vadok, but is much more human
in appearance, taller, almost suave, with much nicer finery. However, when he angers,
he gets even more hideous and monstrous than his master. He is usually
accompanied by two or three beautiful women (succubi), who act as his chorus. He
also appears as a red mist within which are seen red glowing orbs for eyes. His symbol is a blood red winged ouroboros. His colors are black and red. In
addition to his role as the messenger of Vadok, he is also the patron of Tepeshy
sorcerers; those who rise high enough in their power are taught how to summon
demons by Zhurm himself. Like his master, he is served by Death Demons and Lesser
Reapers, as well as succubi; unlike his master, he is also served by ghouls and
ghasts, and at times, red dragons.