Thursday, March 13, 2025

[Mystara] Mystaran Known World Map a.k.a. The Continent

 Just need some place to hang this...


  1. Some of the place names on the map don't ring a bell. "Bael Turath"?

    1. This is from my 5E Mystara campaign, wherein I added in details in the history and geography to account for the major 5E species, notably Dragonborn (Lost Arkhosia) and Tieflings (Bael Turath). Neither affected modern Known World history to a great extent -- Arkhosia was always on the borders, like Sind, and the various incarnations of Bael Turath -- the current being the fourth, a descendant of the Taymoran Empire, like Nithia -- was always in an area that got wiped out by invaders.

    2. Also, I put Bael Turath in the Dwarfgate Peaks (here the "Demongate Peaks") as the region was of debatable sort, ostensibly being Darokin but home exclusively to humanoids and monsters, which made it just an extension of the Broken Lands. Being Bael Turath gives it an interesting and different background.

  2. I love it. It's interesting hearing you talk about fitting new nations and races into Mystara and really made it your Mystara.
