Thursday, February 18, 2021

[Now Available] Baba Yaga’s Miraculous Transformation for Labyrinth Lord

[Now Available] Baba Yaga’s Miraculous Transformation
By James Mishler and Jodi Moran-Mishler
Compatible with Labyrinth Lord
This source booklet for Labyrinth Lord provides the method for magic-users to create a miraculous hut, in the same vein as the infamous crone-witch, Baba Yaga:
Baba Yaga's Miraculous Transformation

This source booklet provides the following details:
Baba Yaga’s Miraculous Transformation
Stage I Miraculous Hut: Dangerous Chicken
Stage II Miraculous Hut: Vicious Chicken
Stage III Miraculous Hut: Tiny Hut
Stage IV Miraculous Hut: Grand Hut
Extra-Dimensional Rooms, Connections, & Hallways
Stage V+ Miraculous Hut: Palatial Hut
The Heart of the Hut
Embedding Magical Features Through Spells
Magnificent Manor Variant
Stone Tower Variant
Note: The creation and improvement of a Miraculous Hut is a Chaotic and Evil Act! Not suitable for most player characters!
Designed for use with Labyrinth Lord, easily used with any Old School RPG system!
24 page booklet-sized PDF (18 pages of content) – Normally $1.99 – $1.00 for a limited time only!

Saturday, February 6, 2021

[James Mishler Games] Now Available -- Bard Class for Labyrinth Lord

By James Mishler and Jodi Moran-Mishler
Compatible with Labyrinth Lord
Bard Class Cover

The new Bard Class for Labyrinth Lord includes the following:
Class Details;
The following Bard abilities and skills:
Bardic Instruments
Bonus Languages
Read Languages
Saving Throw Bonus
Thieving Abilities
A list of spellsongs (normal spells re-interpreted as spellsongs);
A list of musical instruments, including cost, weight, availability (City, Town, Village), and special notes;
The College of Bards, rules for advancements, and rights and responsibilities of members;
Six magna opera, the bardic equivalent of relics, including Diarmuid’s Codex, Firzam’s Pipes of Madness, the Golden Songbird, Howard’s Harp of Heroes, Orpheus’s Lyre, and the infamous Pioban Bais or “Pipes of Death.”
Designed for use with Labyrinth Lord, easily used with any Old School RPG system!
28 page booklet-sized PDF (22 pages of content) – Normally $2.49 – $1.25 for a limited time only!