Saturday, April 25, 2020

Now Available -- Expanded 20-Level Core Four Classes -- Cleric, Fighter, Magic-user, Thief!

Expanded 20-Level Core Four Classes
Cleric, Fighter, Magic-user, Thief
Designed for use with Labyrinth Lord and Advanced Labyrinth Lord
25-pages, $4.00, now on sale for $2.00 -- CHEAP!

Click here to buy it on DriveThruRPG

The Expanded 20-Level Core Four Classes provides a new, expanded version of each of the four core Labyrinth Lord classes, for use with Labyrinth Lord and Advanced Labyrinth Lord. In the vein of the original concept of the “companion rules” to the original BX series, this gives players something to look forward to at higher levels – indeed, at every level!

In addition to the core class abilities of Spellcasting and Turning Undead (which now goes all the way to 20!), the Cleric gains Ritual Magic, Holy Smite, Divine Intercession, Guardian Angel, Sphere Spells, and the awesome power of Deus Ex Machina!

Fighters regain their long-lost Battlefield Dominance, Multiple Attacks, and Weapon Specialization, plus the ability to Seize Initiative and perform Heroic and Super-Heroic Surges!

Magic-users are no longer fire-and-forget one-shot wonders, gaining Magic Bolt, Magic Duel, Read Magic, Sense Magic, Counterspell, Invoke Entity, Enchanted Wand, Evoke Spell, the mighty Retributive Strike, powerful Personal Enchantments, and the ultimate Archmage ability!

Finally, the Thief gains the respect and versatility they always deserved, with an entirely new and expanded thief ability system! The thief can choose which of the core seven abilities advance each level, and how quickly they advance – plus, each ability is useful at 1st level, while only a 20th-level thief can attain true grand mastery at all thieving skills! Additionally, thieves gain the following abilities – Backstab, Artful Dodger, Luck Not Skill, Skill Specialization, Read Languages, Special Skills, and Read Scrolls. Special Skills choices include Acrobatics, Art of Distraction, Art of the Ordinary, Beggar, Buffoonery, Cantrips, Climb Overhangs & Ceilings, Dual-Wielding, Find and Remove Magical Traps, Gamble, Grifting, Hide in Plain Sight, Locksmith, Mimic Voices, Pick Arcane Locks, Read Lips, Stunning Blow, Swift and Silent, Tailing, Trapsmith, Troubadour, and Ventriloquism.

If you like these expanded classes, you will love the Expanded 20-level Demi-Human Classes, also available, and Pay-What-You-Want!

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Now Available -- Expanded 20-Level Demi-Human Racial Classes

Expanded 20-Level Demi-Human Racial Classes
Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, and Halfling for Labyrinth Lord
11-page PDF
Pay What You Want -- CHEAP!

The Expanded 20-Level Demi-Human Racial Classes PDF offers exactly what the title says -- expanded racial classes for Dwarves, Elves, and Halflings, and a brand-new 20-level racial class for Gnomes.

These are exactly the same classes as recently featured in my blog, I've just put them up here so that more people get a chance to see them, and if you like what you see, please leave a tip!

Plus, all four racial classes are now available in a single PDF.

Here are the links to the originals on my personal blog:

Good Gaming!

Saturday, April 18, 2020

[Middle-Southlands] Gods of the Middle-Southlands

The gods and goddesses of the realm are listed in descending order of rank and power within their alignment. Note that all Lawful and Neutral gods, even those who do not reside in Aman, acknowledge Manwe and Varda as King and Queen of the Gods. Note that only the seven mightiest of the Lesser Gods are noted; there are many such beings, of all three alignments. Name [Gender](Spouse) 

Manwe, King of the Gods

Manwe Sky-King, King of the Gods [m] (Varda)
Varda Star-Queen, Queen of the Gods [f](Manwe)
Nienna, Lady of Mercy [f](none)
Aule, Master of Crafts, Dwarf-Father [m](Yavanna)
Mandos, the Judge [m](Vaire)
Irmo, the Dreamer [m](Este)
Este, the Healer [f](Irmo)
*Ilmare Starlight [f](1st, serves Varda)
*Arien, Lady of the Sun [f](2nd, serves Aule)
*Eonwe, the Holy Herald [m](5th, serves Manwe)

Ulmo, Lord of Waters

Ulmo, Lord of Waters [m](none)
Yavanna, the Earth-Mother [f](Aule)
Vaire, the Weaver [f](Mandos)
Orome, the Hunter [m](Vana)
Vana, Lady of Flowers [f](Orome)
Tulkas, the Strong [m](Nessa)
Nessa, the Dancer [f](Tulkas)
*Uinen, Lady of the Sea [f](3rd, serves Ulmo)
*Tilion, Lord of the Moon [m](4th, serves Orome)
*Melian, Mother of Elves [f](6th, serv. Vana and Este)
*Osse, Lord of the Sea [m](serves Ulmo)

Melkor, The Mighty One

Melkor, the Mighty One, the Rebel [m]
*Gorthaur the Cruel, Lord of Sorcery [m](7th)
*Gothmog the Great, Lord of Balrogs [m]
**Ancalagon the Mighty, Lord of Dragons [m]
**Carcharoth, Father of Dire Wolves [m]
**Draugluin, Father of Werewolves [m]
**Thuringwethil, Demon-Queen of Vampires [f]
**Ungoliant, Grandmother Spider [f]
**Shelob, Demon-Queen of Spiders [f]
**Olog-Hai, Demon-King of Trolls [m]
**Uruk-Hai, Demon-King of Orcs [m]
***Imix, Demon-Prince of Fire [m]
***Ogremoch, Demon-Prince of Earth [m]
***Olhydra, Demon-Princess of Water [f]
***Yan-C-Bin, Demon-Princess of Air [f]

* Titan Rank (up to 5th level spells)
** Archdevil Rank (up to 4th level spells)
*** Demon-Prince Rank (up to 3rd level spells)

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

[Labyrinth Lord] 20-Level Gnome Class

Requirements: Strength 9, Dexterity 9
Prime Requisites: Strength and Intelligence
Attacks As: Fighter
Hit Dice: 1d6 (1d8 Advanced Edition Option)

Artist David Sutherland 
Gnomes are said to be cousins to dwarves, elves, and halflings, and share many of their idiosyncrasies while still having their own unique cultural ways. Gnomes generally dwell in hills or on mountainsides, dividing their time equally above and below ground. Their habitations often overlap with halflings, and these two races are typically very friendly, if not familial, to each other. 

Gnomes average about 3’3” to 3’6” tall, and range from slender to roly-poly, averaging 80 to 90 pounds. Gnomes typically live for 600 to 760 years.

Male gnomes have a base height of 3’6”, females 3’3”. To this (d6) 1-3 Subtract or 4-6 Add 1d4”. Male gnomes have a base weight of 90 pounds, females 80 pounds. To this (d6) 1-3 Subtract or 4-6 Add 2d6 pounds for males, 2d4 pounds for females.

Gnomes start out at 80+3d6 years of age, but, consult with your Labyrinth Lord to see if there are options to begin play older.

Age provides the following modifiers to 1st level characters:
  • Adolescent (55 to 89) -1 to Wisdom and +1 to Constitution. 
  • Adult (90 to 299)  +1 to Strength and +1 to Constitution. 
  • Middle-Aged (300 to 449) +1 to Intelligence and +1 to Wisdom.
  • Elderly (450 to 599) -2 to Strength, -1 to Dexterity, -1 to Constitution, +1 to Intelligence, and +2 to Wisdom. 
  • Venerable (600 to 760) -3 to Strength, -2 to Dexterity, -2 to Constitution, +2 to Intelligence, and +3 to Wisdom.

These numbers include all cumulative adjustments.

Burrow-Wise: Gnomes have a 2 in 6 (1-2 on 1d6) chance of detecting decrepit or unsafe structures above or below ground (walls, floors, ceilings, etc.), knowing current depth underground, knowing direction while underground, or noticing if passages are sloped. Gnomes must be actively searching for these abilities to function. This chance increases to 3 in 6 at 11th level, and 4 in 6 at 18th level.

Gnome Senses: Gnomes can see in the dark with Infravision up to 60’. This increases to 90’ at 6th level and 120’ at 17th level. Gnomes are attuned to illusions and phantasms; at 5th level they gain a +1 bonus to save versus illusions and phantasms. This bonus increases to +2 at 10th level, +3 at 15th, and +4 at 20th. Also beginning at 5th level, if a gnome saves against an illusion or phantasm by 4 or more than is needed to save, she gains control of the illusion or phantasm and directs it against the caster!

Hardy Folk: Gnomes are hardy beings, resistant to magic and poison, and as such they have better saving throws to defend against these effects. In addition, their small size grants them better chances to finding cover and avoiding breath attacks.

Languages: Gnomes speak their alignment language, Common, and Gnomish. They also speak Dwarvish, Goblin, Halfling, Kobold, and Orcish. At 2nd level they may communicate with burrowing animals.

Small Sized: Gnomes may not use the following weapons: battle axe, heavy crossbow, heavy flail, lance, long bow, morning star, heavy pick, pole arm, bastard sword, or two-handed sword. They may wield scimitars and long swords but must do so two-handed. At 4th level gnolls, bugbears, ogres, trolls, giants, and titans suffer a -1 penalty to hit the gnome in combat; this penalty increases to -2 at 7th level, -3 at 12th level, and -4 at 16th level.

Spellcasting: Gnomes may learn, memorize, and cast illusionist spells. Gnomes begin play with a spell book containing three 1st level spells and one 2nd level spell. Choose or roll spells from the 1st level and 2nd level illusionist spell tables. Gnomes gain new spells by finding them in scrolls, trading with other gnomes and illusionists, or through spell research. Gnomes are able to use any magic item usable by fighters, illusionists, and gnomes, and at 13th level, druids. They can use illusionist scrolls. Beginning at 3rd level gnomes may learn 1st level druid spells as though they were illusionist spells; these must be learned from another gnome or from a druid. Gnomes may learn 2nd level druid spells at 8th level and 3rd level druid spells at 13th level.

Tunnel-Rats: Gnomes may be small, but they are fierce. They are proficient with all weapons not restricted due to their size (see below). Gnomes may wear any armor; however, they cannot cast spells while wearing any armor other than padded or leather. Gnomes can use shields. At 2nd level gnomes gain a +1 bonus to hit kobolds and goblins; this bonus increases to +2 at 8th level, +3 at 14th, and +4 at 19th. At 4th level gnomes gain the ability to move silently, as per a thief, with a 2 in 6 chance of success. This chance increases to 3 in 6 at 9th level, 4 in 6 at 14th, and 5 in 6 at 18th level. The gnome can moving silently only while wearing no armor, padded armor, or leather armor.

Reaching 9th Level:  When a gnome reaches 9th level, she can build a stronghold. Gnome strongholds will be in homey forested earthen burrows or in stone-carved tunnels in rocky hill formations, and gnomes will travel from great distances to settle there. The character becomes the leader of her people and must rule them wisely and well. The gnome might also be invited to become the leader of an existing burrow or tunnel settlement.

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Sunday, April 12, 2020

[Labyrinth Lord] 20-Level Halfling Class

Requirements: Dexterity 9, Constitution 9
Prime Requisites: Strength and Dexterity
Attacks As: Fighter
Hit Dice: 1d6 (1d8 Advanced Edition Option)

Halflings have a gentle nature, and value free time, good food, and good drink. They engage in playful activities when not on an adventure. They love comfort and often spend their riches on the most extravagant items. Halflings prefer to live a bucolic, rustic lifestyle, amidst fertile meadows, rolling hills, and shady forests, with well-tended gardens and farmland, amidst their own kind in realms known as “shires.”

Halflings are even smaller than gnomes, only attaining a height of around 2’9” to 3’ and averaging about 50 to 60 pounds. They are as diverse in appearance as humans but have furry feet and curly hair. Halflings typically live for 150 to 200 years.

20th-level Sheriff and dumb Daikini. Art by Jeff Dee.

Male halflings have a base height of 3’0”, females 2’9”. To this (d6) 1-3 Subtract 1d4” or 4-6 Add 1d4”. 

Male halflings have a base weight of 60 pounds, females 50 pounds. To this (d6) 1-3 Subtract or 4-6 Add 3d4 pounds, 2d4 for females.

Halflings start out at 20+2d6 years of age, but, consult with your Labyrinth Lord to see if there are options to begin play older.

Age provides the following modifiers to 1st level characters:
  • Adolescent (22 to 32) -1 to Wisdom and +1 to Constitution. 
  • Adult (33 to 69)  +1 to Strength and +1 to Constitution. 
  • Middle-Aged (70 to 99) +1 to Intelligence and +1 to Wisdom. 
  • Elderly (100 to 149) -2 to Strength, -1 to Dexterity, -1 to Constitution, +1 to Intelligence, and +2 to Wisdom. 
  • Venerable (150 to 200) -3 to Strength, -2 to Dexterity, -2 to Constitution, +2 to Intelligence, and +3 to Wisdom.

These numbers include all cumulative adjustments.

Agile: Halflings have keen coordination that grants them +1 bonus to hit on any missile or thrown weapon attacks; this bonus increases to +2 at 5th level, +3 at 10th level, +4 at 15th level, and +5 at 20th level. Any creature larger than man-sized suffers a -2 penalty to hit halflings; this increases to -3 at 6th level, -4 at 11th level, and -5 at 16th level. At 1st level, man-sized creatures suffer a -1 penalty to hit halflings; this improves to -2 at 4th level, -3 at 8th level, and -4 at 16th level.

Burglars: At 5th level a halfling chooses one of following thief abilities: find and remove traps, pick locks, or pick pockets. The halfling has a 2 in 6 chance of performing this ability. This ability increases to 3 in 6 at 10th, 4 in 6 at 15th, and 5 in 6 at 19th.

Hardy Folk: Halflings are hardy beings, resistant to magic and poison, and as such they have better saving throws to defend against these effects. In addition, their small size grants them better chances to finding cover and avoiding breath attacks. At 13th level halflings suffer half damage/effect on a failed save versus Poison, Death, and Paralysis attacks and one-quarter damage/effect on a successful save (or none, as the case may be with all-or-nothing rolls).

Languages: Halflings speak their alignment tongue, Common, and Halfling.

Lucky: At 7th level once per day a halfling may reroll a single die roll of his own or force the reroll of an enemy’s die roll; an enemy must be present and in line-of-sight of the halfling for the halfling to be able to use this ability but does not need to be targeting the halfling. The halfling gets the better of the two rolls, the enemy the worse (for them) of the two die rolls. The halfling may do this once per day. The halfling may do this twice per day at 12th level and three times per day at 17th level.

Quick: Halflings are dexterous folk who get a +1 bonus to initiative rolls when alone or in a party composed only of halflings.

Small Sized: Halflings may not use the following weapons: battle axe, heavy crossbow, heavy flail, lance, long bow, morning star, heavy pick, pole arm, bastard sword, or two-handed sword. They may wield scimitars and long swords but must do so two-handed. They may otherwise use any weapon, wear any armor, and may use shields.

Stealthy: Halflings have an uncanny ability to disappear in the wilderness. In forest, shrub, tall grasses, or other similar outdoor cover, halflings can hide with 90% ability; this increases 1% every odd level up to 99% at 19th level. They have a 2 in 6 chance to hide in shadows or behind other forms of cover (including man-sized beings) when indoors, underground in labyrinths, or caverns; this chance increases to 3 in 6 at 3rd, 4 in 6 at 7th, and 5 in 6 at 14th. In any case, they must remain silent and motionless to hide outdoors or in shadows. At 2nd level they gain the ability to move silently on a 2 in 6 chance. This increases to 3 in 6 at 8th, 4 in 6 at 12th, and 5 in 6 at 18th. Halflings are very stealthy, and whenever in woods or meadows alone or only with other halflings, elves, and/or rangers, surprise opponents on a 4 in 6 chance (though never gain more than 2 rounds of free actions).

Reaching 9th Level:  When a halfling reaches 9th level, he can build a stronghold. Halfling strongholds will be in serene, beautiful valleys and halflings will come from great distances to settle there. The character becomes the sheriff of the people (their leader) and must rule them wisely and well. The halfling might also be invited to become sheriff of an existing shire.

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Note: In the Original Edition, all halfling saving throws were at 4 levels higher than those of a fighter. Thus, a 1st level halfling fighter made saving throws as though he were a 5th level fighter. As this increase did not exactly match the three-level steps of the fighter class, the halfling did not receive the full benefit of their saving throw bonuses with the basic progression. Also, the Cook Expert Edition further caused issues by starting dwarves and halflings at 1st to 3rd level with the saving throws of 7th to 9th level fighters, instead of only 4th to 6th level fighters (whereas the Moldvay Basic Edition had the proper starting levels for dwarf and halfling saving throws)! The Halfling Saving Throws (Corrected) chart below has been corrected from the original errors in calculating halfling saving throws. It is not as generous, but it more closely fits the intent of the original design.

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Click here to get the PDF on Google Drive

[Labyrinth Lord] 20-Level Elf Class

Requirements: Strength 9+
Prime Requisites: Strength and Intelligence
Attacks As: Fighter
Hit Dice: 1d6 (1d8 Advanced Edition Option)

Elves are very long lived, and each elf deals with this in different ways – some are flighty, others are solemn; many are cautious and restrained, others are wild and reckless. Elves are almost never grumpy or cantankerous, which exacerbates elven relations with dwarves. Though they are generally peaceful people who enjoy merriment and frivolity, elves are very talented fighters and users of magic. 

Artist Erol Otus
Elves have pointed ears, and are thin, fey beings. They are very diverse in appearance, moreso than humans, and there are said to be different kinds of elves in distant locations. Elves typically stand 4’6” to 5’ tall and weigh about 110 to 140 pounds. Elves typically live for 1,200 to 1,700 years. Elves generally have brilliant skin, vivid hair, and dazzling eyes.

Male elves have a base height of 5’0”, females 4’6”. To this (d10) 1-2 Subtract 1d6”, 2-5 Subtract 1d4”, 6-8 Add 1d4”, 9-10 Add 1d6”. Male elves have a base weight of 140 pounds, females 110 pounds. To this (d10) 1-2 Subtract 3d6 pounds for males, 2d6 pounds for females, 3-5 Subtract 1d8 pounds, 6-8 Add 1d8 pounds, 9-10 Add 3d6 pounds for males, 2d6 pounds for females.

Elves start out at 150+9d8 years of age, but, consult with your Labyrinth Lord to see if there are options to begin play older. 

Age provides the following modifiers to 1st level characters:
Adolescent (100 to 179) -1 to Wisdom and +1 to Constitution. 
Adult (180 to 574)  +1 to Strength and +1 to Constitution. 
Middle-Aged (575 to 874) +1 to Intelligence and +1 to Wisdom. 
Elderly (875 to 1,199) -2 to Strength, -1 to Dexterity, -1 to Constitution, +1 to Intelligence, and +2 to Wisdom. 
Venerable (1,200 to 1,700) -3 to Strength, -2 to Dexterity, -2 to Constitution, +2 to Intelligence, and +3 to Wisdom.
These numbers include all cumulative adjustments.

Elf Eyes: Elves have infravision of 60’, which increases to 90’ at 6th level and 120’ at 17th level. Their keen eyes also allow them, when actively searching, to detect hidden and secret doors with a chance of 2 in 6 (1-2 on 1d6). This chance increases to 3 in 6 at 11th level, 4 in 6 at 14th, and 5 ion 6 at 18th. Beginning at 7th level they can detect hidden and secret doors merely by passing within 10’, even when not searching, with a chance of 1 in 6; this increases to 2 in 6 at 13th and 3 in 6 at 19th.

Fey Immunities: Because of their connection to nature, elves are completely unaffected by the paralysis ghouls can inflict. Beginning at 3rd level elves have a 10% resistance to sleep and charm spells. This increases 10% per level thereafter to 90% at 10th level, then increases 1% per level thereafter to a maximum of 99% at 20th level.

Languages: Elves speak their alignment language, Common, and Elvish. Due to their frequent battles with these folks, they can also speak Gnoll, Hobgoblin, and Orcish.

Skilled Warriors: Elves are proficient with all weapons, may wear any kind of armor, and may use shields. Unlike magic-users, elves can cast their spells while wearing armor. Elves gain additional attacks when wielding a short bow, long bow, long sword, or short sword: at 1st to 4th level they have the usual 1 attack per round; 5th to 9th they have 3 attacks every 2 rounds; at 10th to 14th 2 attacks per round; at 15th to 19th 5 attacks every 2 rounds; and at 20th level 3 attacks per round. At 3rd level an elf may move, make their bow attack(s) during the movement phase, then may finish their move without stopping after attacking. At 14th level an elf ignores any cover a target of her bow may have other than complete cover and suffers no penalties therefrom. Being both warriors and magicians, beginning at 4th level once per day an elf can enchant their weapon to be a magical weapon. One weapon (which must be wielded by the elf) acts as a +1 magical weapon for one turn; this can be used twice per day at 8th level. The bonus improves to +2 at 12th level and can be used three times per day at 16th level. This will not work on a weapon that is already magical.

Spell-casting: Elves may learn, memorize, and cast magic-user spells. Elves begin play with a spell book containing read magic, plus two other 1st level spells and one 2nd level spell. Choose or roll spells from the 1st level and 2nd level magic-user spell tables. Elves gain new spells by finding them in scrolls, trading with other elves and magic-users, or through spell research. Elves are able to use any magic item usable by fighters, magic-users, and elves. They can use magic-user scrolls.

Stealthy: Elves are very stealthy, and whenever in woods or meadows alone or only with other elves, halflings, and/or rangers, surprise opponents on a 4 in 6 chance (though never gain more than 2 rounds of free actions).

Reaching 9th Level:  Elves can establish a stronghold in a natural setting, such as a forest, glen, or grotto, when they reach 9th level. Rather than impose upon nature, this fortress must blend seamlessly with it. Because of the elven connection to nature, within 5 miles of the stronghold all ordinary animals will be kind and helpful to elves. This helpfulness includes the ability to warn of dangers and pass information, or even messages to others nearby. However, in exchange, an elven ruler must always defend the animals within this territory. Elven rulers can hire members of other races in the capacity of retainers or specialists, but only soldiers of elven sort may be hired o recruited.

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Saturday, April 11, 2020

[Labyrinth Lord] 20-Level Dwarf Class

Requirements: Constitution 9+
Prime Requisite: Strength
Hit Dice: 1d8 (1d10 Advanced Edition Option)

Artist Larry Elmore
Dwarves have a reputation for having surly attitudes and are particularly gruff with elves. Dwarves value precious metals and stones, and usually live underground or in semi-subterranean structures. Dwarves are stout, short, bearded* demi-humans who average a height of approximately 3’10” to 4’ and weigh about 120 to 150 pounds. Dwarves typically live for 350 to 450 years. Dwarves have skin, hair, and eye colors in earth tones. * Consult your Labyrinth Lord regarding dwarf women and beards in her campaign.

Male dwarves have a base height of 4’0”, females 3’10”. To this (d6) 1-3 Subtract or 4-6 Add 1d6”. 

Male dwarves have a base weight of 150 pounds, females 120 pounds. To this (d6) 1-3 Subtract or 4-6 Add 3d6 pounds.

Dwarves generally start out at 35+4d6 years of age, but, consult with your Labyrinth Lord to see if there are options to begin play older.

Age provides the following modifiers to 1st level characters:

  • Adolescent (35 to 55) -1 to Wisdom and +1 to Constitution. 
  • Adult (56 to 149)  +1 to Strength and +1 to Constitution. 
  • Middle-Aged (150 to 249) +1 to Intelligence and +1 to Wisdom. 
  • Elderly (250 to 349) -2 to Strength, -1 to Dexterity, -1 to Constitution, +1 to Intelligence, and +2 to Wisdom. 
  • Venerable (350 to 450) -3 to Strength, -2 to Dexterity, -2 to Constitution, +2 to Intelligence, and +3 to Wisdom.
These numbers include all cumulative adjustments.

Doughty Warriors: At 2nd level dwarves gain a +1 bonus to hit humanoids (kobolds, goblins, hobgoblins, orcs, and half-orcs); this bonus increases to +2 at 8th level, +3 at 14th, and +4 at 19th. Dwarves gain additional attacks when wielding a battle axe or war hammer: at 1st to 4th level they have the usual 1 attack per round; 5th to 9th they have 3 attacks every 2 rounds; at 10th to 14th 2 attacks per round; at 15th to 19th 5 attacks every 2 rounds; and at 20th level 3 attacks per round. Beginning at 3rd level a dwarf can tinker with his crossbow such that he can attack with it every round, rather than every other round; this requires one day of work and materials equal to the cost of the crossbow (this only works for the dwarf, and the crossbow is ruined if he rolls a “Natural 1” to hit).

Dwarven Senses: Due to their habit of living underground in mines, dwarves have the ability to see in the dark with infravision up to 60’. This increases to 90’ at 6th level and 120’ at 17th level.

Hardy Folk: Dwarves are hardy beings, resistant to magic and poison, and as such they have better saving throws to defend against these effects. In addition, their small size grants them better chances to finding cover and avoiding breath attacks. Dwarves do not have to rest after forced marches. At 13th level dwarves suffer half damage on a failed save versus Breath Attack and one-quarter damage on a successful save.

Languages: Dwarves speak their alignment tongue, Common, and Dwarvish. Because of their frequent interaction underground with these creatures, dwarves also speak Gnomish, Goblin, and Kobold.

Short & Stout: Due to their short height, dwarves cannot use two-handed swords or longbows. However, they can use any other weapons or armor. At 4th level ogres, trolls, giants, and titans suffer a -1 penalty to hit the dwarf in combat; this penalty increases to -2 at 7th level, -3 at 12th level, and -4 at 16th level.

Stonecunning: From their experience underground, dwarves have a 2 in 6 (1-2 on 1d6) chance of detecting traps, false walls, hidden construction, or noticing if passages are sloped. Dwarves must be actively searching for these abilities to function. This chance increases to 3 in 6 at 11th level, and 4 in 6 at 18th level.

Reaching 9th Level:  When a dwarf reaches 9th level, he has the option of creating an underground stronghold that will attract dwarves from far and wide. Dwarves usually live in clans, so dwarves of the character’s clan will be attracted to live under his roof, but dwarves from other clans will also come and live nearby to be ruled by the character. A dwarf ruler is able to hire dwarven soldiers or mercenaries, but, may only hire members of other races for other tasks, such as human alchemists or elves for spell casting.

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Note: In the Original Edition, all dwarf saving throws were at 4 levels higher than those of a fighter. Thus, a 1st level dwarf fighter made saving throws as though he were a 5th level fighter. As this increase did not exactly match the three-level steps of the fighter class, the dwarf did not receive the full benefit of their saving throw bonuses with the basic progression. Also, the Cook Expert Edition further caused issues by starting dwarves and halflings at 1st to 3rd level with the saving throws of 7th to 9th level fighters, instead of only 4th to 6th level fighters (whereas the Moldvay Basic Edition had the proper starting levels for dwarf and halfling saving throws)! The Dwarf Saving Throws (Corrected) chart below has been corrected from the original errors in calculating dwarf saving throws. It is not as generous, but it more closely fits the intent of the original design.

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Friday, April 10, 2020

[New Spell] Manipulate Landscape -- New 6th Level MU Spell List

I’ve never much liked a few of the 6th level spells included in the Expert rules – I always felt that lower water, move earth, and part water were kind of all the same spell in many ways, and so I have combined them into a single spell, manipulate landscape. I then added two higher-level spells to the 6th level spell list – polymorph any object and shape change.

This has become a serious consideration of late as I am likely, going forward, to limit class levels – and thus magical spells – to 14th, as per the Expert rules, and thus 5th and 6th level spells for clerics and magic-users, respectively.

1. Anti-Magic Shell
2. Control Weather
3. Death Spell
4. Disintegrate
5. Geas*
6. Invisible Stalker
7. Manipulate Landscape (NEW)
8. Polymorph Any Object**
9. Projected Image
10. Reincarnation
11. Shape Change**
12. Stone to Flesh*

* Reversible Spell
** Refer to Labyrinth Lord for these spells

Manipulate Landscape
Level: Magic-user 6
Duration: 12 turns
Range: Line of sight to one mile

This spell enables the caster to manipulate the nearby landscape as though she were playing with a sandbox or with modeling clay. The caster chooses one type of landscape and area to be manipulated, and during the duration she can play with and mold it as she wishes, even defying the laws of nature -- temporarily. The area that can be affected is as follows:

Water: An area 100’ by 100’ by 100’ or 1,000 10’ cubes
Soil/Sand/Gravel/Mud: An area 60’ x 60’ x 60’ or 216 10’ cubes
Stone: An area 30’ x 30’ x 30’ or 27 10’ cubes

Any form that works within the natural laws of the caster’s world remains permanent (when dealing with soil, sand, gravel, mud, or stone); otherwise when the spell ends the landscape quickly – and dangerously – re-conforms to the laws of gravity and nature. Note that the caster does not need to concentrate at all times during the spell, only when she is making changes; these remain until the end of the spell, or until the caster ends the spell. The caster may cast other spells while this spell is still in effect.

If the caster creates a bridge of sand and gravel spanning a canyon, it falls back into piles of sand and gravel at the bottom of the canyon (along with anyone still on it) at the end of the spell. A 20’ wide x 500’ deep by 1,000’ long canyon through a river would instantly collapse when the spell ends, as would a 20’ x 20’ x 510’ causeway made of mud and gravel, or a 50’ x 50’ x 400’ “statue” of water. Tunnels carved in solid stone, a new configuration of hills and valleys, a new bed for a river, or a ford created across a river from native stone -- these would remain in place provided they are not gravity-defying, and of course, are thereafter subject to natural erosion. Permanent effects cannot be undone by dispel magic or anti-magic effects, as the new landscape is “natural.”

Aliban's Tower by Jeff A. Menges
This spell is often used to create a permanent stone tower, complete with outer walls, inner walls, floors, stairways, doorways, and windows. One application can create a 30’ diameter round tower five stories tall (each 15’ tall counting stone floors, with 5’ thick outer walls). Multiple applications of the spell can be used to seamlessly build larger towers with thicker walls, dig dungeons through stone, or built permanent stone walls. A permanent stone wall 10’ thick by 20’ high by 100’ long (the missing area goes into merlons, crenellations, and machicolations) can be created with a single casting of the spell.

The spell can also be ended at any time by the caster before the duration is over.

[New Spell] Improved Magic Missile

Improved Magic Missile
Level: Magic-user 2
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: 150’

This spell creates one magic missile per level of the caster. These missiles take the form of motes of dancing magical force of whatever color the caster wishes; they dance around her head in an orbit much like Ioun stones. These magic missiles remain orbiting until the caster chooses to use them.

Elrond was always ready to throw down...
Each missile may be used for the following:

On the caster’s turn, may be used to unerringly strike a target within 150’, dealing 1d6+1 points of damage each. The caster may use one, several, or all in the same turn as she wishes. This counts as the caster’s attack for that round.

On an opponent’s turn, the caster may throw one or more at any attack that has hit the caster or an ally within 150’, after the roll to hit has been determined but before damage is rolled. Each missile so used reduces the damage dealt by the attack by 1d6+1 points of damage. Damage from attacks may be reduced to zero, but any points from the missile(s) so used greater than the damage dealt are lost. No damage is dealt by the missiles even if the attack is a natural attack (claws, bites, etc.). These missiles can even counter other magic missiles, dragon breath, and other magical attacks that deal hit point damage.

Three or more missiles may be expended together to target a single human, demi-human, or humanoid creature, which will be affected as though by the spell hold person. The target gets a saving throw at normal chances to negate the effect. This “hold” is more limited, taking the form of magical shackles on arms and legs, a rope wrapped around the body, or even a cage of magical force. Those affected can speak, but cannot move, attack, cast spells, or take any other action. They can break the bonds, however, doing so causes them to instantly suffer the damage they would have suffered had they been targeted by the missiles normally. Maximum duration is equal to the remaining duration of the spell.

Five or more missiles may be expended together to target a single monster, which will be affected as though by the spell hold monster. Effect is the same as per above, plus creatures with breath weapons will be muzzled, those with gaze attacks will have a magical cover over their eyes, and so forth.

Any magic missiles not used by the time the spell duration ends simply fade away.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Middle-Southlands: Hexes 0114 to 0332

Here is some detail on the Middle-Southlands Map:

0114 LOST CITY: This is the location of the Lost City presented in module B4: The Lost City.

0118 GOBLIN-TOWN: This large town (pop. 9,936, 2,484 able-bodied) is home to goblinoids – 40% goblin-bloods, 30% goblins, 15% hobgoblins, and 10% bugbears – the 5% balance being humans, gray dwarves, dark elves, dread halflings, orcs, orc-bloods, gnolls, ogres, and trolls, plus many packs of dire wolves. The town stands at the heart of a vast, ever-shifting labyrinth, deadly and eldritch in nature. The goblins are led by the Goblin-King, Jareth (Chaotic male 10th-level Elf), who can control the labyrinth at a whim. Jareth serves the Witch-King (Hex 0618) and provides him with goblins and materiel for his wars; he is not a Melkor cultist as he prefers his Chaos pure. The forges of the goblin-smiths of Goblin-Town provide armor, weapons, siege engines, fireworks, and explosives for their own armies and as trade fodder for the other settlements of Goblinland – sometimes they even function as designed!

0205 LION CASTLE: The is the location of the Lion Castle presented in module BSOLO: Lion Castle.

0207 EOMERINGS CAMP: This camp of nomads (pop. 880, 220 able-bodied warriors) is the “capital” of the Eomerings – a tribe of the Rohirrim nomads from the northwest who, in the last two generations, extirpated the goblin nomads of the Plains of Calenardhon  and took them for their own. The Eomerings are descended from the warriors who chose to follow Eomer the Mighty upon the corruption of their previous king, Theoden, three generations ago. Though cousins with the Eowyngs (Hex 0303), they constantly feud with members of that tribe, as they do not believe that women are worthy of being warriors, nor leading a tribe. The current leader is King Theodred (Neutral male Rohirrim human 10th-level Fighter), a hot-tempered young savage eager to make his name raiding enemies. The Eomerings regularly raid the Variags of the Wastes of Khand, and the two peoples are great enemies, neither offering nor expecting quarter. The Eomerings are often found in the southern and eastern lands as mercenary warriors, adventurers, and sometimes raiders, though they do not raid Osgiliath or its possessions due to ancient alliances.

0226 SHADOW FORD: This shallow point along the Shadow River is guarded by 20 1st level veterans, one 2nd level sergeant, and one 3rd level lieutenant in service to the Necromancer (Hex 0624), camped on the northeast bank. They are commanded by Zaukritar the Black (Chaotic male Numenorean human 4th-level Magic-user; wand of fear), a loyal servant who embezzles no more than is customary. He has a personal guard of six zombies (plate with two-handed swords) and a hidden reserve force of 20 skeletons (chain mail, shields, and swords) hidden in a copse by the ford. Only those who are perceived as not threat may pass, and they must pay 10% of the value of their goods to do so (local subjects of the Necromancer pay only a modest fee). There is a 2 in 6 chance a caravan of merchants from the western realm of Rhun is camped at the crossing. If a large armed force approaches, messengers are sent to the village of Dol-Guldur, where resides a larger garrison.

0303 EOWYNGS CAMP: This camp of nomads (pop. 1,000, 250 able-bodied warriors) is the “capital” of the Eowyngs, a tribe of Rohirrim nomads, cousins to the Eomerings to the south (Hex 0207). The Eowyngs are matriarchal Amazons – all the able-bodied warriors are women; men serve in the camp to cook, clean, weave, and tend to the camp while the women hunt and go to war. Young Queen Rheda (Neutral female Rohirrim human 8th-level Fighter) and her twin sister, Wilda the Wise (Neutral female Rohirrim human 8th-level Cleric of Nessa) lead their tribe against the inroads of the Eomerings and strive to contain the corruption of the dark forces of Edoras (Hex 0702). The tribe has taken to the sea in the last two generations, with small fishing and ship-building hamlets on the shores of the Bay of Belfalas (one each in Hex 1001, 1002, and 1103); thus, they have also earned the enmity of the Corsairs. Eowyngs are often encountered in the lands to the south and east as mercenaries (especially for Osgiliath, an ancient ally), adventurers, and raiders.

0326 VILLAGE OF DOL-GULDUR: This village of 84 (21 able-bodied) Southlanders is home to much-oppressed farmers and herders who live in abject fear of their master, the Necromancer (Hex 0624). The numbers are deceptive, as they only list the living residents; the undead outnumber the living by five to one, including 300 skeletons and 200 zombies, who work the fields at the direction of the Village-Master, Dru-Gurz the Dreadful (Chaotic male Numenorean human 6th-level Magic-user; staff of necromancy), a noted vivisectionist who likes to experiment with recombination of body parts in animating the dead. There are also 50 men-at-arms, 20 1st-level veterans, two 2nd level sergeants, and a 4th-level lieutenant posted to the village. They, Dru-Gurz, and the entire company of undead will rush to the Shadow Ford if called upon to defend the western flank of the Necromancer’s realm. Dol-Guldur has only a smithy, a general store, and an ale-wife, Gritha (Neutral female Southlander human 3rd-level Magic-user); she is a rebel and is a contact for the Iron Ring Alliance led by the dwarves of Dain (Hex 0633).

0332 DALEFORD: This shallow crossing of the River Erebor is protected by a small force from the human village of Dale (Hex 0432). The force consists of 40 1st level veterans, two 2nd level sergeant, and one 4th level lieutenant, fortified by three 2nd level and one 4th level cleric. They are commanded by Captain Girion (Lawful male Dunedain human 5th-level Fighter; chain mail +2, arrow of vampire slaying), a cousin of Lord Brand of Dale. The tax to use the ford is fair, merely 1 sp per leg (human and animal) and 1 gp per wheel. However, the guards perform a thorough search, ensuring that nothing passes either way that should not by the laws of Dale and Dwarfland (Dale’s nominal liege). A hamlet of 72 (18 able-bodied) stands on the southwest bank of the Erebor; it has a dwarf-smith (3rd level), a general store, and an inn – the Dead Dragon (a red dragon on his back with a giant empty stein on his belly). The proprietor is a dwarf, Gloin son of Oin (Lawful male 7th-level Dwarf; plate mail +1, war hammer +1, 3,000 gp gold necklace of rank). Gloin is the secret “Dwarf-King’s Man” at the ford, to back up defense of the ford and Dale in the event of an attack by the Necromancer; he first sends carrier pigeons to warn his counter-part in Dale and the court in Thorin, reveals his necklace of rank, then wades into battle.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Central Flanaess Map -- By the Map

Here is something I've been meaning to work on for some time -- a map of the Central Flanaess of the World of Greyhawk. I'm not sure it is dead on center, but it is centered the way I want it to be.

Here you have just about everything you need to have a full series of adventures in Greyhawk. Mountains, forests, plains, seas -- elves, dwarves, halflings, orcs, goblins -- great ruined piles and decadent cities, knights in shining armor and temples of Evil High Priests.

The map is pretty much as exact to the original Darlene map as I could make it with the classic Mystara-style hexes. As per the original, scale on this map is 1 hex = 10 leagues = 30 miles.

As always, email me at if you want the original Hexographer file or a larger PNG file.

Click to embiggen

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Middle-Southlands Map

Seems I am on a map-making tear rather than a campaign-development tear.

Reading through the OD&D boxed set and the B/X books of late, combined with several recent requests for the Hexographer file for my old Southands map, caused me to return to that map and see what more I could do with it.

So I thought to myself, "Self, what would 13-year old you do with this material and Hexographer?"

And so I present to you a map of "Middle-Southland," combining the Outdoor Survival map with OD&D, B/X, and a few other choice bits of D&D, with Middle-earth (and a dash of Shannara, I suppose), as I probably would have drawn back when I first read through Lord of the Rings and the Silmarillion.

Grab a copy of the map, pull out your OD&D box or B/X (or Labyrinth Lord) books, and get together online with your buddies, and let your 13-year old selves do some exploration...

Click to embiggen

If you want a larger PNG of the map, or a copy of the Hexographer file, just email me at

Stay Home! Stay Safe!


Wednesday, April 1, 2020

[Lands of Ub] Anachronisms, Coinage, and Prestidigitators University

While the vast majority of the peoples of the Lands of Ub live in what can charitably be called “bucolic medieval luxury,” there are no few seeming anachronisms found here and there, some of them quite public and well known. This is because the Lands of Ub have gone through many different ups and downs in science and technology, plus the influence of other-planetary civilizations, not to mention regular if rare jaunts throughout time and space. A few notable anachronisms for “the day” include:

Black Powder Weapons: The magic-using dwarves of the Pecos Freehold broke away from their cousins in the Kingdom of Gold almost a century ago when they developed Black Powder Magic. The cannons, pistols, muskets, six-shooters, and rifles created and used in Pecos (and sometimes further afield) are magical, not technological, and their use is frowned upon by the Wizards Guild and the Church of Frelengia. These weapons are described in more detail, elsewhere. Suffice to say that they are rare outside of Pecos, and by reputation are considered only slightly less damning than witchcraft! Those who wield black-powder weapons are fairly easy to identify, as they cannot wear armor other than a leather duster (it interferes with the black powder magic), and they always wear a Pecos Bonnet (various types of hats usually only worn in Pecos, a land remarkably without shade).

Clocks: These are simply a development of gnomes and dwarves, who tinker with such things all the time. Most towns and even some villages have a clock tower, and many wealthier folk have wind-up pocket watches. Most folks still just live by the rise and setting of the sun (or moon).

Disc Phonographs: Similarly, wind-up phonographs and phonograph record discs are not uncommon. The wealthy are able to keep up with the latest developments and music, while middle-class folk and even some poorer folk have sets that they have inherited over the years. Recording studios are found in most larger civilized towns, and local bands and music stars are all the rage. As production is still by hand, distribution is local at best, though true fans go far and wide to find the best recordings.

Flying Ships: These devices are mostly magical, though more “modern” balloon and lighter-than-air designs are coming into vogue through gnomish influence. Traditional flying ships were developed by an ancient elven empire, whose history is lost save for the continuation of the magical tradition and its name that it lent to it – Voisin. Usually constructed of elevatingoak and upsidaisium, flying ships vary from the classical sailing-ship with wings design (designed to also be able to sail on water), to the more modern biplane design favored by the Luisterdal Luchtvloot (Glitterdale Air Fleet). Such vehicles are so expensive and rare that usually only states and the wealthiest nobles or magnates can afford them, but the Glitterdale Air Fleet has developed cheaper magical lighter-than-air vehicles that have recently been taking on passengers for pay. So far, they only visit a limited number of locales, but the travel is faster (if correspondingly more expensive) than any other means, including horse-drawn streetcars. Cost is 1 gp per mile, and as they do not fly above any dangerous territories, trips can be somewhat circuitous.

Photography: Photography is well known; it has been common since the latter days of the Bugsomagnus Dynasty however, it has not advanced much since then. Pictures are black-and-white or sepia tone; a camera is a large, fragile, expensive thing; flash powder is still used; and one must still sit very still to have one’s picture taken. A sitting usually costs 1 gp per shot, then pictures themselves cost 1 gp for a wallet-sized up to 100 gp for a huge wall picture. Artists can add color through special painting processes for additional fees.

Skyscrapers: Buildings with 10 to 20 floors are not uncommon in the cities of the Great Warner Valley and are coming into vogue outside that area. Built of brick and stone, these are architectural developments combining human, dwarven, and gnomish technologies. When the merchant-towns of the valley found that they could not build out, due to the need for farmland, they developed a way to build up. And so, the skyscraper was born.

Streetcars: Another development of the towns of the Great Warner Valley, horse-drawn streetcars ride iron rails through the major streets of many larger towns today. Locals pay a monthly fee with a discount, but strangers have to pay 1 cp per ride. Several horse-drawn rail lines run from Tradertown to Merchantburg, and from Merchantburg to Vendorville; from Vendorville one can take a rail to Glitterdale and thence to Warlock, and from Merchantburg to Highdale and thence to Goldburg (with lines from Highdale now being built to Silverdale and Warlock). A consortium in Glitterdale seeks to build a line to Burrowburgh but keeps running into trouble with Svinings Viking raiders and Things out of the Looney Marsh. Consortiums from Merchantburg and Vendorville both seek to run a line to Beornburg, but the baron and his people are resistant to such new-fangled foofaraw. Costs vary depending on the line, distance, and quality of service.

Most all the Frelengian Successor States continue to use the old Frelengian coinage system:

10 Copper Kopeks = 1 Silver Simolean
10 Silver Simoleans = 1 Gold Grickle

Each of the Successor States mints its own coins, and most stay to the weights and measures established centuries ago, but there is enough coin-clipping and counterfeiting that merchants usually insist on weighing and testing old coins and foreign coins.

Electrum and platinum are not minted, but they are used in jewelry:

1 pound of electrum = 5 Gold Grickles
1 pound of platinum = 100 Gold Grickles

The metal used to build flying ships (in combination with elevatingoak) is the much-sought-after and highly valuable upsidaisium. Found only in clouds and floating islands that are home to cloud and storm giants, this metal is very rare. It is worth 500 Gold Grickles per pound.

Most magic-users of the lands of the former Frelengian kingdom learn their trade at Prestidigitators University, at the Mother College in Warlock in the Upper Elfdale or one of the many smaller extensions in towns and cities throughout the lands.

Graduation entitles a magic-user to bear the title “Wizard,” and prominently wear and display the ancient and honorable emblem of the university, “Sable, a panther sejant Amaranth a quellazaire in mouth Or holding a gasper Argent,” a charge of arms granted to Frelengo DeFriz, the founder of the university, by King Bosco, the founder of Frelengia. Displaying the badge entitles the wearer to recognition as a gentleman (or gentlewoman), certain rights and privileges of law, and often discounts at many shop locations throughout the lands. Graduation from P.U. enables the magic-user to hold all manner of positions and jobs often limited by law to graduates of the school, such as court magicians, guild wizard, and so forth. They are automatically registered as a member of the Wizards Guild (an inter-state organization), though they must pay guild dues to remain in good standing.

While in training, a would-be-wizard is known as an Apprentice of the Arcane Arts (A.A.A.). Beginning at 1st level he becomes a Bachelor of the Arcane Arts (B.A.A.); at 7th level he may become a Master of the Arcane Arts (M.A.A.); and at 13th level he may become a Doctor of the Arcane Arts (D.A.A.). Advancement to Master and Doctorate levels require the wizard return to P.U. and present an original spell they have created of the minimal level required for that grade (4th for Masters, 7th for Doctorate).

Each level of spell mastered is also a ranking, known as an Order of Rank; Thus, all Journeymen are of 1st to 3rd Order; all Masters are of 4th to 6th Order; and all Doctors are 7th to 9th Order.

Being a wizard also requires strict adherence to the Ancient and Honorably Arcane Sumptuary Laws of Frelengia whenever in public. A wizard must wear classical wizard robes, belt, slippers, and brimless pointy hat, of a color of their choice, with a pattern depending on Order of Rank within the hierarchy:

Sumptuary Requirements
Rank/Level – Levels -- Pattern Required
Journeyman -- 1st to 6th -- Copper moons, suns, and stars
Master -- 7th to 12th -- Silver moons, suns, and stars
Doctor -- 13th+ -- Gold moons, suns, and stars

The color of the robes, belt, hat, and slippers are at the discretion of the wizard; however, certain sub-guilds are known for wearing particular colors. Each sub-guild has a specific color within that color type, and frown upon others wearing that specific color type.

Black (Eerie Black): Death Magic(Necromancy)
Black (Eigengrau): Darkness Magic
Blue (Ultramarine): Water Magic
Brown (Burnt Umber): Earth Magic
Gray (Feldgrau): Black Powder Magic(Gunsmithy)
Gray (Gunmetal): Force Magic (“pure” magic)
Green (Forest Green): Nature Magic
Indigo (Azure): Air Magic
Orange (Amber): Evocation/Invocation Magic
Pink (Amaranth): Enchantment/Charm Magic
Red (Scarlet): Fire Magic
Violet (Tyrian Purple): Divination/Information Magic
White (Ivory): Protection Magic(Apotropaism)
White (Snow White): Light Magic
Yellow (Gold): Summoning/Conjuring Magic

Wizards must also carry, at all times, a wizard staff (quarterstaff) and a wavy dagger, whether magical or otherwise.

P.U. Benefits
Good old P.U. gives all its students an excellent start in the arcane trade. All graduates start with a spell book filled with all 12 of the basic 1st level magic-user spells, plus two 2nd and one 3rd level spells of choice.

However, not all students graduate. If a character wants to have graduated from P.U., they must roll a percentile check against the total of their Wisdom and Charisma scores multiplied by four. If they roll above this number, they wash out (d8 to determine year, 8 means they failed in the first 1d4 weeks), and unless accepted into another school of magic, they are treated as a Hedge Mage or Meadow Witch, with a total number of 1st level spells in their spell book equal to the number of years before they washed out, or the Hedge Mage/Meadow Witch total, at a minimum.

Major Campuses of Prestidigitators University
In general, in descending order of prominence, respect, and resources:

Warlock, Upper Elfshire (P.U.N.C., “National Campus”)
Alville, East Elfland (P.U.K.E., “Kingdom of the Elves”)
Burrowburgh, Carrot County (P.U.C.C.)
Magus, Old Elfshire (P.U.M.A., “Magus Annex”))
Glitterdale, Barony of Glitterdale (P.U.G.D.)
Goldburg, Kingdom of Gold (P.U.G.B.)
Highdale, Regal Realm (P.U.R.R.)
Merchantburg (P.U.M.B.)
Tradertown (P.U.T.T.)
Vendorville (P.U.V.V.)
Settburgh, Badgershire (P.U.B.S.)
Coppertown, Lower Kettle (P.U.L.K.)